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I was playing on this server, and this guy "Paxon:D" teleported infront of me, and killed me, some other poeple did say that there were a hacker there, but i kept playing. After he killed me and the rest of us, he teleported us to Debug-plains and we where just joiking around, and I myself thought this spawing in Debug-plains was a bug, but when everyone on the server was in the Debug-plains, he teled back to us and started killing us again, this happend around 19.00 (7pm) GMT+1 and as said on server DE840 I did record it and the video is here;

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this looks alot like the new bug in 1.7.7 iv seen it happen on my server US 564 , your admin just needs to reset the server to fix this every one will spawn by the coast on reset / at lease this is what i have seen

on a side note he prob was hacking that was a shit load of ammo .... for such a rare gun

Edited by zzzTNTzzz

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