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Infection 1.7.7

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Infection - how it works and what to do to reduce it ?

I just want to make sure - is it true when you have full blood then you have less chance to get infected than when you very low on blood ?

if it so i will not let them too close, if it is random then I guss it should be tuned a lil bit coz my infection ratio was like 8/10 hits

yesterday I was very low on blood but my friend was full on it - I got infected almost on all hit, ny friend was totaly fine

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that is correct.

The basic idea is the healthy you are the less likely you are to become sick however a few hits from the viral zeds will soon cause issues.

So atm Infection from full blood to 0 blood takes 60 mins this can be delayed by eating food as blood gain is more then blood loss. Now we are talking about a few new ideas to slow the infection down more by using items found within the land ie plants that will slow the blood loss from 3 to 1 per sec making you last 3 hours The catch is you still need to find said plant but no tools will be needed.

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Only the new viral zombies infect you.

This isn't true all zeds can cause infection/sickness, Viral have a higher chance.

We need to replace the word infection with just sickness so anything you can think might make you sick don't matter what the sickness is we wont be going into details for different medical systems just anything that would make you sick.

That is sickness in DayZ

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These new viral zombies what do they look like?

No need to hijack another's thread. Use search they have been posted many times.

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No need to hijack another's thread. Use search they have been posted many times.

Don mean to be a thread terrorist and sound stupid.

but i can't seem to find it.

is why i asked.

Edited by methr1k2dop3

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Razor, any thought to having a healthy player be able to fight off sickness without antibiotics?

I.E. if you're sick but above 75% blood, then each tick your character has a 2% chance to fight off the sickness? (Perhaps make warmth another requirement of this spontaneous healing?) How about having infection deal a maximum amount of damage before your body fights it off? (maybe 150% max health?)

Maybe instead of having some plant based loot to slow infection speed, it could be based on the health of the player in general. I.E. if you're cold, thirsty and starving you take a lot of damage from sickness, however if you're warm, well fed and hydrated, the sickness does practically nothing?

I think that sickness as a mechanic is a good thing, however in its current state it is essentially a guaranteed death sentence. It is frustrating mechanic to know that your character is both revealing himself to other characters, and quickly dying, and that the loot required to fix you up is only realistically attainable by server hopping. I don't think upping the drop rate of antibiotics is a good idea, lest you trivalize the entire mechanic.

I also saw in another thread where you stated that if you're sick you're not being careful enough. I believe if you play enough of your own game you will notice that with the current zed spawning engine, you can approach areas that seem 'clear' only to have a zed pop out from behind a corner that you've temporairily lost LoS on. One hit, whack, infected, essentially dead from a zed that had no right behing where it was.

I think allowing a player to heal infection without antibiotics has to be considered a requirement of

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Infection - how it works and what to do to reduce it ?

I just want to make sure - is it true when you have full blood then you have less chance to get infected than when you very low on blood ?

if it so i will not let them too close, if it is random then I guss it should be tuned a lil bit coz my infection ratio was like 8/10 hits

yesterday I was very low on blood but my friend was full on it - I got infected almost on all hit, ny friend was totaly fine

Didn't you accuse me of crying for making the same lamentation?

Well glad to see you suffered the infection too. I did what people recommended and have learned to recognize and avoid the viral zeds. This high rate of infection turns out to be exactly what we needed in order to properly fear zombies. Now that I have raised my internal fear level, doing good!

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These new viral zombies what do they look like?

They will have a big blood stain on them and look overall more bloodier than any normal zombie. Easiest way to tell is to look at their shirts.

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Didn't you accuse me of crying for making the same lamentation?

Well glad to see you suffered the infection too. I did what people recommended and have learned to recognize and avoid the viral zeds. This high rate of infection turns out to be exactly what we needed in order to properly fear zombies. Now that I have raised my internal fear level, doing good!

I never said it should be removed - but well today I have different thougts, I changed my playstile and now I am perfectly fine with infection as it is now. My problem was that I was ignorig zeds like before patch, yesterday I played 4 hours without getting nocked or infected. I am fully geared with lots of meat and atibiotics :)

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Yes I hastily posted my first impression, but really it is a zombie apocalypse. Now all that's left is having you stand up as a zombie after you die of infection. And then have your character start making zed noises in the 2 minutes before the change. Then you would be faced with maybe having to shoot your friends...... Just need a survivor/zombie model and whamo.

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