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Not sure if I'm smart or stupid.

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Ok I'm in DayZ I can do all types of mechanical and aviation repairs. I can drive and fly all types of vehicles. I'm a Master of astronomy, orienteering, survival and weapons. I can heal my friends with bandages, pills, give shots and transfuse blood.

But yet I lack the knowledge of any drug addict out there, I cannot find my own vein. Although I can find the vein on countless people every day for some reason I cannot find my own. After giving literally thousands of blood transfusions to others to this day I cannot give one to myself. Some day I can only hope that this mystery will be revealed to me. Til then I will always have bacon.

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Nope no self bloodbagging just use search and you will see it has been discussed to death

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self blood bagging you can find on private hives.

but i find it crucial that you cant blood bag yourself.

makes it almost a sure thing you are gonna need someones help eventually.

which is a good thing.

influences heroic actions.

and heroic actions is what Dayz needs

IMO of course

Edited by methr1k2dop3

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Or you could kill cows.

No human interaction necessary.

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