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R4GE DayZ Clan. [Recruiting] again!

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As a clan we would make a "Base", scavenge for supply's in groups, Do "Missions", Raid bases, Training ,etc

We will do all this as a team. So we will have a advantage over anyone and everyone else. (We also do other games like BF3, WOT, WT, Arma 2 Wasteland, and Arma 2 City Life.)

Also you have to be on the Teamspeak friday, saturday or sunday for the newest news. Me or a Clan Member will give you the newest Info every week if you are not on any of those days you have to have a good excuse.

We do not have a problem with new Players that have recently started because we will train you but you need to know how to navigate around the map easily

An example of a "Mission" is scouting out a truck driving down the road at night, then we get 2 snipers setup with night vision scopes down the road, then we would have 1 or 2 people hiding in a building or something waiting to come out when the sniper says to. So the Sniper would snipe the driver out of the car and there would be 1 or 2 guys hiding waiting to come out and kill the rest of the guys if there are more and we get the truck,the supply's, and a victory dance. JK about the victory dance.

First name:



Why you want to join:

Teamwork on a scale 1 to 10 as 10 being the highest:

Do you have Teamspeak:

Do you have Skype(Only put Yes or No):

How long have you played DayZ(Dont Lie):

The more Professional this application looks the better chance you have of getting in :D

You Can add me on skype at stormster101 and tell me you have posted an application if I did not see it. (You must make a application you cant do it over skype)


I was thinking since you guys have to do a application I should do one too so here it is.

First name:Storm

Age:14 <-------IM REALLY 14. Certain people may not want to join because of that....


Why you want to join: Im looking for a group of people to survive with, Kill with, Scavenge with,Plan with and that wont judge people on there age.

Teamwork on a scale 1 to 10 as 10 being the highest:10

Do you have Teamspeak: yes

Do you have Skype(Only put Yes or No)Yes

How long have you played DayZ(Dont Lie)Over a Year

(TeamSpeak IP is HiQ.Morthawt.com and click anywhere in the channel list and do CTRL+F and search R4GE and join my channel)

Edited by stormster10

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First name: wouter

Age: 19

TimeZone: GMT+1

Why you want to join: i am looking for a crew to play with because lone wolf is getting bored

Teamwork on a scale 1 to 10 as 10 being the highest: 8

Do you have Teamspeak: yes of course i am a gamer

Do you have Skype(Only put Yes or No): yes

How long have you played DayZ(Dont Lie): 4 weeks now

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First name: wouter

Age: 19

TimeZone: GMT+1

Why you want to join: i am looking for a crew to play with because lone wolf is getting bored

Teamwork on a scale 1 to 10 as 10 being the highest: 8

Do you have Teamspeak: yes of course i am a gamer

Do you have Skype(Only put Yes or No): yes

How long have you played DayZ(Dont Lie): 4 weeks now

add me on skype at stormster101

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First Name: Lewis



Why you want to join: I've always enjoyed playing multilayer games with others using coordination to out smart the enemy and I like the whole spec ops feeling you get when your crawling through the bushes listening for footsteps knowing you have 3 snipers watching your back just in case trouble is following you.

Teamwork on a scale 1 to 10 as 10 being the highest: 7

Do you have Teamspeak: yes

Do you have Skype(Only put Yes or No): yes

How long have you played DayZ (Dont Lie): Played for a month back when it first became popular and have been getting back into it over the past few days

Edited by sirbeatu

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