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[SA] How to tell your low on blood

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This is a neat little Idea I thought of when watching standalone gameplay at E3.

I thought it would be kinda cool if you could tell your character was low on blood by the color of his skin

E.g.: his/her characters skin goes Pale.

And the character would be unsteady and slower.

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Wouldn't it be hard to tell you were low on blood by seeing your skin was pale when your vision is black and white and pulsing in and out of focus to let you know you're low on blood?

E: Sorry OP, that was kindof a smart a** response, I couldn't help myself. I actually do agree with you, those are both good ideas for blood loss, especially if another player could see you were very pale and tell you were low on blood.

Edited by GBTP
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That is kinda what I meant , another player could see you were pale and or your team. this is my idea incase they remove the black/white effect.

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Another person could see you're pale and take advantage of it because they know you couldn't win in a fight against them

No wait.. didn't they say they updated the health system so blood was only a little part of it?

Edited by mullraugh

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hopefully the remove the black and white color saturation you get when low in blood.

Worst feature in the mod and ruins the beauty of the game.

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The black and white effect is kind of realistic though, isn't it? I mean if you're always on the brink of passing out I'm sure you wouldn't be able to see very well.

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There perhaps needs to be levels of consciousness , ranging from slight nausea at low blood , to micro slips , which don't leave you on the ground unconscious , but darken / blur the screen momentarily , to full unconsciousness before imminent death .

Maybe shorter , sharper breaths as blood levels get lower ?

A way to take a "deep breath" which can help indicate your blood level , i.e if you're at full blood , you can take a really deep breath and exhale comfortably , but at lower blood , you can only take a shallow breath and groan or even cry out in pain ?

Really dislike the colour drain effect .

Edited by Jars

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