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Dont Shoot Me

Two players looking to form a group (total of 4 or 5)

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My partner and I are looking to group up with 2 or 3 more players. We have been grouped up for quite a few days now, and currently are pretty well equipped. We are not bandits, but we also are not afraid to defend ourselves if we feel threatened. We currently are near the NW airfield, and have been running raids on it regularly.

If you would like to group up with us our requirements are:

-You must have a mic.

-You must be able to get to the NW airfield in a reasonable amount of time.

-You cannot be a bandit. We are not looking to ruin anyone's day, just survive.

If you want to group up add me on steam (username = d0ntsh0otme).

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I'm going to add you on Steam. My steam is newbitect, IGN is Yamagata.

I have decent equipment and any comm. software needed. You're play-style is in sync with mine as well!

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im also with a buddy out by the airfield we are both equipped with well enough to kill a buncha shit we play almost everyday mainly at night cause of work. we just also added a 3rd person to our group. hes kinda annoying tho. but hit me up on steam

Steam name is Dfpboy

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I'm interested in having a go at it with a larger group, too. I'm on Steam - name is BathSalts.

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id like to join a group as well my steam is Baigendo if anyone would like to play. Im an experienced player and know the best way to collect items through the major cities

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