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Making a small squad... American English

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I used to run a dayz clan. I am just starting to play again since some of the bugs were worked out a bit. I am a 21 year old American and im looking for a few guys that are of similar maturity and speak english fluently. I prefer to use raidcall which is a free lightweight program imho it's better than teamspeak. I do have ts3 and skype as well. If interested just reply in this thread and ill toss ya a pm with all the contact info. Thanks -J*

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Also interested. 26 and on the East Coast. What type of group/gameplay are you looking to go after?

Edited by ViolentwavesO7

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Thanks for the replies. To you both sending the pms now

@Shadow i can teach ya a lot then =p would be glad to have ya.

@Violent Im looking to have a tight group to survive... As far as the gameplay i think id call myself a neutral party i help people when i can but im i kill em when it's the best survival option. I'm neither bandit nor hero... I would like to do tactics with a mature team using voice comms can have a lot of fun and success that way.

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Im interested im 13 and from the U.K i know the timezones are different but i hope we can sort something out :)

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Are you still looking for more players? I am interested, I have been playing dayZ since early december of 2012. I live in central U.S.A and am looking for some mature guys to play with. If you would like send me a PM and we can chat.

PS: I also enjoy playing tactically, and I have good communication skills.

Edited by KStrain

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@Gamerflyzone i am concerned of your age. Most people your age have a hard time communicating properly and lack some maturity.

@Kstrain sounds good

@evilsnow sounds good

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Hey, sorry wolverine, I checked it out I guess it doesnt seem like this squad is for me, It is a little big I was hoping for just a few people.

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I am a very experienced Day Z player. I am interested in playing, please PM me all i need to know!



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@Kstrain im using my old squad raidcall and info. Those players aren't active anymore as of right now not one person has actually logged into the game with me from this post been lone wolfin...

@Reaper ill give ya a go... sending u the info.

@Rabbit would be glad to have you.

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As to what my active hours are. I work for myself and my hours range around the clock. When you joinup and im online on raidcall i will give you my skype and live contact info so you can always let me know when your online even if i am working. I want to have a very tight small group that can rely on eachother and be active.

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