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J3T (DayZ)

[DE Kami-Katze] rMod 2.1 - the way it meant to be used (over 480 weapons!)

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DE Kami-Katze DayZ rMod 2.1




SiothieGaming [Dash]

Einfach Kurt



- rMod 2.1

- heavily customized Map

- AI

- Various rMod-Vehicles (armoured/non armoured)

- 480+ obtainable weapons

- Custom skins

- Animated crashsides

- Custom Crashsideloottable

- Random skin spawn (60 different skins)

- Available clanshields on clanbases (whitelist function)

- Tradebase

- Refuel/Rearm/Repair -stations

- TSW protected

- 4h day / 2h night cycle

- Restart every 6 hours


It is not allowed to:

- attack freshspawns with heavy armoured vehicles (exceptions: provocation / self-protection)

- destroy other clanbases or particular contents

- camp bases (definition: click here)

- log out while in combat

- conduct lootflipping

- flame/swear in sidechat (violation will lead to: Warning, 24h, 48h, 72h ban – can increase with severity)

- Racism/Fascism will be punished

- Only english/german in side chat

- No Voice in side chat

You speak german? Then go here: http://board.germand.../de-kami-katze/


Bases are (if acquired) surrounded by a protected area. Players can be registered in whitelists. Players who are not whitelisted will be warned instantly and killed 10 seconds after entering the shielded zone.

The allowed amount of vehicles in a base can be temporarily transcended for unload reasons (specific amounts in basepricelist)

Shooting at other bases/contents is allowed, if there is a detectable case of provocation (malicious destruction will be punished!)

Retreating to your base whilst fighting is forbidden, if you do it the attackers are allowed to attack you in your base.

Edited by J3T

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