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Genki Dama

DayZ should allow servers to be created at home

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Some people have the ability to host a private home server but most don't.. Who do you think would police the applicants? Don't you think the dev team have enough to do? That's without even mentioning the abuse that would occur if every tom could host a home server.

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In my scenario, there would be no need to police applicants. Private servers should still not be able to access the central hive, because that's where Rocket does his development and tests.

Adding a local database would enable another set of useful possibilities, though.

- better performance due to less hive load and also much faster access to the local DB (if done right - see edonovan's post)

- private servers for: people just playing their way / people that really want to contribute to the project

Furthermore, the serverfiles are already circulating around the interwebs and everyone not too stupid can get a hold of them. Anyone who want's to have his own server can do so already. Is that legal? Not so, but that's not going to stop "every tom".

Going open and creating two sets of hive files could solve that. One for local DB access only, the other for full hive (and maybe local DB?) access. That'll at least stop "every tom" from using the to-be-kept-secret server files.

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NO this means more people have the server files which mean more people will be able to hack.

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Then let them cheat or hack! They won't have access to the hive anyway. And as already said, they could get the server files already, right now!

Do you even know how the hive or servers in general work?

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I know plenty who run private ones from home. I also know of several using custom databases o.o

they have little to no impact on the dayz community, id say at least 50% of people on private servers do not have legit copies of arma.

the others just want to play with a small group of friends with no interruptions which while fun is not what dayz is about.

I think in about a month there will be a reasonably powerful second database option appearing. thats going to have an impact on dayz. I wonder if the devs are aware of it.

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My response to this is...


That is where US30' date=' US31, US32 are hosted from... My apartment laundry room. They are hosted out of a small town south of Denver, Colorado. Nothing wrong with home servers at all...


Thank you for hosting! I play on your servers the most...even though you killed me without provocation once! ;)

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I think there is a lot of confusion about hosting a server at home. Hosting a server at home =/= a private server. A server hosted from home could easily be connected to the hive and be public. The only difference is the location of the box (and dynamic ip, unless you get one from the ISP).

Now I think the home server generalization is in the rules because a lot of people don't have the resources to be be able to host a large server from home (even if they think they do). Dedicateds are probably preferred because they are in data centers closer to backbones (better routes) than a home connection and are housed in a facility that should have reasonable uptimes compared to a home that could have power interruptions, bandwidth interruptions from usage in the house or just downtime in general. Plus once again, the whole dynamic IP thing and whitelisting.

There's also the chances for you to get DDoSed, and without the proper hardware in front of the box, that can cripple you.

I don't doubt that the OP has the ability to host from home, I just understand why the team is against home hosting in general. It does fend off a lot of potential headaches.

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Dear Mr Rocket,

No-one wanting to host a home server is interested in the HIVE. Do not want. No problem. :)

These people don't mind about database changes, they'll stick with their version until they're happy to risk loosing data. No problem. :)

These servers don't need to appear in any server lists. No problem. :)

Finding a nice open server with lots of people will be fine. Just like any popular game. No problem. :)


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Here is some of the reasons why you can't host at home:

c.) Dynamic IPs. This kills any discussion of home servers right away. Hosting a server REQUIRES your IP to be whitelisted. You won't get a IP block whitelisted, only _ONE_ IP. As soon as it changes your server will stops working and you might have to spend 3-4 days convincing a developer to update your IP. They have better things to do than updating whitelist IPs all day, so i'm guessing after 1-2 updates they'll just tell you to go fuck off and get a static IP.

From the Server FAQ:

Can I host my server at home?

No. A home internet connection is not intended to run servers. There are several problems with this:

* Many home internet connection use dynamic IPs. A static IP is highly recommended - does NOT Say Manditory

[all the other items are factually try about cable modems ......... only one piece of copper - many FiOS Routers can be connected straight Ethernet to the media converter]

Honestly how damn hard it to imput xyz.no-ip.com instead of 123.456.789.123

if the internet connection gets intrupted and the FiOS Router resets .... no IP would be updated as soon as the router was back on line

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<shrug> I have a dedicated fibre connection to my house, and my own dell 610 ESXI server suite (3x) in the basement. I should be able to but I can't... I don't complain. Its 50 bucks. If you can fork over 2000 for a computer or 50,000 for a dell 610, whats 50 bucks for a DayZ server?

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Firstly, I have yet to make one... single... cent... out of the mod. Not a penny. So making accusations that I am making money from the server hosting is out of line (someone did above).

The reason is threefold:

- it is easier for us to deal with a major hosting provider, less people for more servers

- the mod is in heavy development, database changes happen daily - if the databases were distributed it would be impossible to add the changes.

- the central server has finite connections it can maintain. we prioritize larger servers. For each server application that is getting processed - there are several that are waiting. Triage has to occur.

The database is actually really quite simple.. i think you take to much credit for the database in all honesty.

Ok the mod is great ( i couldn't make it) so clap clap.

But honestly i've played and seen private servers all this week, with own databases on dedicated box's, also looked at the database from an external site that mods your mod, and the database is really quite simple..i am a certified mcdba and i say it's pretty easy structure for DB.

What do you think to people who are now running what seems like a better system than your database at the moment? OK so they have less connections to deal with, but makes the game desync and lag free, it's nice.

Who said the modding scene was dead?

Edited by MessHall

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Some countries actually have ISP's that allow unlimited bandwidth, 100/100Mbit connections with no limitations (no hidden clauses either etc throttling and such).

My second connection has a bandwidth usage of approximately 6-9 Tera Bytes per month regularly.

I have no opinion of my own on should they allow home hosting or not but dont spread ignorant bullshit on the forums the internet is full of it enough as it is fucking tards.

EDIT: Two static IPs costs me 5 euros a month. If you want service from your ISP demand it and cancel your contract if they dont offer the service you require, only morons pay for something that doesnt fulfill their needs.

Edited by Evito

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Some countries actually have ISP's that allow unlimited bandwidth, 100/100Mbit connections with no limitations (no hidden clauses either etc throttling and such).

My second connection has a bandwidth usage of approximately 6-9 Tera Bytes per month regularly.

I have no opinion of my own on should they allow home hosting or not but dont spread ignorant bullshit on the forums the internet is full of it enough as it is fucking tards.

EDIT: Two static IPs costs me 5 euros a month. If you want service from your ISP demand it and cancel your contract if they dont offer the service you require, only morons pay for something that doesnt fulfill their needs.

I love your post. :thumbsup:

Dedicated FiOS home connections should be allowed to host servers. In many cases the quality can be higher than datacenter hosted servers as game providers tend to squeeze many servers into one single machine. Hence why many / some servers lag quite a lot even when they got nice specs.

The power lies in the community. Even when it comes to hosting servers. Lets hope the DayZ devs realize that one day.

Datacenter does not automatically mean good. Redundant power and other bullshit can be built in a home as well. A good friend of mine has that for the servers in his garage. I can't even remember the last time I had a power outage. I guess the players can survive if their favorite server is offline for 30 minutes once a year. By the way most server providers take couple of hours to update their servers and the admins just has to sit and wait because they are powerless. That has to count in the downtime as well. Imagine if your server admins where able to host less laggy servers at their FiOS connections with dedicated hardware. And able to update the servers way faster as they have complete control over their servers. ;)

I am not saying "any" home connection should be allowed. But with the right conditions they can very well be far better than most datacenter hosted servers.

Edited by Kraegan

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