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[=|ATP|=] Clan Recruiting ages 12+ [Assume the Position] NOT A GAMING COMMUNITY

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ATP Clan

We are a new clan ATP. We play any map that is populated. We are usually bandits but in some cases, we are heroes or both. As of today, the clan is only recruiting some players, we are looking for 2 more players because we do not have a teamspeak anymore. So if you host a TS 3 server and is looking to join this clan. Feel free to ask us if you want to help us with teamspeak.

We will be looking for clan Moderators and Admins in this case. If you host a DayZ Server. Feel free to give it to the clan but only you will have administration to the clan. We can't force you to give the clan valuables that we don't own.

  • Teamspeak (Teamspeak IP:
  • A mic that works in TS, skype and ingame
  • age 12+ (You can be a squeaker or not)
  • Need to be able to split up loot. (You keep a players loot if you kill someone that is not in our clan)
  • Doesn't complain on death unless you believe it was a hacker which is unlikely.
  • Can have fun and not to annoying

Owners and CoOwners Skype:

[Owner] NewG4mer: minecraftster101

[CoOwner] Shadowhamster66: shadowhamster66

No admins or mods yet



Maps We Have Been Playing:



Breaking Point




Ranking System:

New Players: (ATP)

Regular players: [ATP]

1+ Month Player: =ATP=

PreMod Player: |ATP|

Mod: [=ATP]

Admin: [=|ATP|]

CoOwner: [==|ATP|]

Owner: [=||ATP||]




Maps you played on:

Type of Games you play: (e.g Arma II, minecraft, cod, etc)

Combat Ranking: scale 1-10

Why you want to join:

Thank You from ATP

Edited by MPClan
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IGN: JaeLotus


Maps you played on:Chernarus, namalsk. Lingor.

Different Games:
unclear question. as in DayZ, Isaac, Never winter, etc?

Combat Ranking: 8

Why you want to join:
I need a casual group i can run with. Prefrabbly small - med ops and just decent fun.

Skype : j.cogbill1
Edited by JaeLotus

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IGN: Spear

Age: 13

Maps you played on: Chernarus,Origins,Celle,Oring,Namalsk,Taviana,Lingor,Panthera

Type of Games you play: (e.g Arma II, minecraft, cod, etc) Arma 2 & 3, DayZ,Minecraft,Battlefield,Planetside 2,Portal 2 and more

Combat Ranking: scale 1-10= 7-8

Why you want to join: I have been involved with many Gaming Community's and i have been ignored in them and not playing as much DayZ as a team as they have all said. Im tired of signing up for different communities and i think this will really be a good place to make some new friends and have a laugh and a joke in DayZ as a squad :).


p.s how long have you been playing DayZ for :)?

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IGN: Xuesjr

Age: 14

Maps you played on: Chernarus, Orgins, Wasteland, etc

Type of Games you play: (e.g Arma II, minecraft, cod, etc) dayz, league of legends, etc

Combat Ranking: scale 1-10 5 or 6? I am fairly new to this game

Why you want to join: I want people to play with, I really like to drive cars and I cant find one on my own, and Idk where to go or know where I am

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IGN: Lunchbox

Age: 31

Maps you played on: Just about all of them.

Type of Games you play: (e.g Arma II, minecraft, cod, etc) Too many to count. >_>

Combat Ranking: 8

Why you want to join: Looking for a group of people to associate myself with, playing dayz alone is sad. Foreveralone.jpg

One last question. Would you accept anybody way below your age? Or is it to incomfortable

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IGN: JoshSellick or Ghost

Age: 14

Maps you played on: Taviana, Chernaraus, Panthera

Type of Games you play: (e.g Arma II, minecraft, cod, etc) ArmA II, Minecraft, All Call of Duty's, Battlefield 3, loads more

Combat Ranking: 6

Why you want to join: Why not, playing with a group is better than playing alone.

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IGN: JoshSellick or Ghost

Age: 14

Maps you played on: Taviana, Chernaraus, Panthera

Type of Games you play: (e.g Arma II, minecraft, cod, etc) ArmA II, Minecraft, All Call of Duty's, Battlefield 3, loads more

Combat Ranking: 6

Why you want to join: Why not, playing with a group is better than playing alone.

join TS

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IGN: tacosh3ll


Maps you played on: mostly Origins

Type of Games you play: Arma II, DayZ, Arma III, and I have Minecraft but dont play too often.

Combat Ranking: 8

Why you want to join:
Cause i usually just play on here with my cousin and girlfriend but it gets boring with only 3 people (and they suck :D) but also i want to make a camp with some people and also really wanna make a new stronghold or atleast see one.

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IGN: [TriggerHappy] Tyler

Age: 12

Maps you played on: Chernaurus

Type of Games you play: (e.g Arma II, minecraft, cod, etc) FPS , Simulators, RPGS, Sandbox, Racing, COD, Battlefield, ArmA 2, DayZ.

Combat Ranking: scale 1-10 | 8

Why you want to join: I love to play games and ArmA 2 DayZ Mod is one of my favourite games.

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IGN: Cole

Age: 13

Maps you played on: Chernaurus, Origins

Type of Games you play: (e.g Arma II, minecraft, cod, etc) Arma II, Minecraft, Every Call of Duty, Battlefield 3, Simulators, DayZ.

Combat Ranking: 7

Why you want to join: I love playing DayZ but sick of asking "Friendly?" and then getting my brains blown through the back of my skull, I just want to find a group that will play when I play kill the bad people and help the friendlies and the noobs.

Edited by Smity3

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IGN: White Eagle

Age: 16

maps you played on: chernaurus,breakingpoint,taviana,lingor,namalsk (primary taviana.com)

type of games you play: arma2/arma2oa,minecraft,codgames,bf3,dayz,sr3 and DoWgames.

Combat Ranking: 8

why you want to join: i wanna have a nice clan to play with considering most of my friends are busy all the time... i do also have ts3 and taviana.com server id be glad to share :)

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IGN: SlenderMan


Age: 15


Maps you played on: chernaurus,breakingpoint,taviana,lingor,namalsk

Type of Games you play: (e.g Arma II, minecraft, cod, etc) Dota 1 & 2, League of Legends, COD, Minecraft, Arma 2, Arma 2 OA

Combat Ranking: 8


Why you want to join:

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