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How to update Dayz server from 1.7.6 to

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Hello. I have some trouble With this. I have downloaded the lates opendayz from opendayz.net but still get 1.7.6. What i have tested:

1 - Created a New folder in program files called DayZ

2 - Copied content of Arma 2 folder to this location.

3 - Made sure last beta pach was installed for OA.

4 - Copied content of the OA folder to the Dayz folder and overwritten when needed.

5 - downloaded this pack and copied to the Dayz folder and overwritten when needed.

6 - I then put back my @hive folder, MySQL folder and cfgdayz folder.

7 - started the server, still stuck on 1.7.6

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number 6 should get you thinking about what you did ^^

every version has its own serverfiles... there are more or less changes everytime...

and you can update to whatever you want... as long as you dont use new serverfiles your upgrade wont work

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