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Why all the hate?

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Okay, so I have been playing this mod recently, and I only started about 3 days ago. Since then, there has been one patch. Every time I check these forums or just chat in game, I hear people whining about how the game mechanics are broken. Which in fact, they are. I still don't get how people are not very good at this game, even with the broken mechanics. I mean, today, I didn't meet a single bandit. I have no murders. Never gotten killed by another player. I walked through Chernogorsk in the middle of the day, SHOUTING into my direct communication mic for a blood transfusion. I was also asking what city I was in, and how to get to Elektrozavodsk. (Later I looked online, comparing landmarks and found I was in fact in Chernogorsk.) Anyways, I don't see why everyone is complaining about bandits. I have not seen one. My character has been attacked by zombies, I even helped a fellow survivor but then watched him get mauled by a horde. (BTW every time a horde kills someone, the horde disappears. A weird glitch I guess.) Sometimes, I'm just walking through the wilderness, sending out random distress calls, (e.g. "I need help getting to Elektro, anyone wanna help? I'm friendly!" to "Anyone need help?") some people will say, stay away. Others will come up and trade gear. That's how I usually get my weapons/ammo. TALK TO PEOPLE. If i'm being chased by a horde of zombies, I yell until someone hears and they usually help me.

Below, tell of the ways you've helped other new/experienced players get by in the world of Day Z.

Also, the first time I spawned in this game, I had no weapon/food. It was right after the update I guess.

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I have enjoyed it so far too. I also work at a game/software company and I host/dev on an RPG style server so I understand what Alpha means and what the team here is going through. Some people just have no patience and feel so entitled that they demand what they think they deserve. I'll keep playing until it stops being fun and I'll quietly go away if that happens. That's just me though.

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I think the game is ruined after the latest patch.

To much taken away. We need a gun at least.

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Yeah, usually I find a Makarov and then ask someone if they have ammo, trade painkillers or food for that. Then I almost always head into Elektro to find goodies. That is the safest of most the cities I would think. Players go through there quick, thus killing off most of the zombies. I found a few friends there, but they always die and then i'm stuck alone. D;

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It's hard for people to readjust to something like going from spawning with food/water/weapon to nothing because you get so attached to your equipment as it is. Also the fact the zombies are a bit easier to spot you makes it tough. But meh, it's alpha and I'm sure they'll take player feedback from this.

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Alot of newer players are upset because they just got in and 1.7 felt fair for the most part to them and alot of the players around here. The 1.7.1 patch made things way too unfair, considering you had no way to defend yourself and the Zeds are 10x tougher.

Not to mention stealth is no longer an option. You're better off just bolting through town, grabbing what you can in a 2 way entry building, and sprinting out while trying to lose the Zeds in the forest through either LOS or just simply alt-f4ing. It's pretty silly tbh, because I've seen it happen at least 100 times by now.

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