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Looking for a team on Origins

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I'm a grizzled Veteran of DayZ Origins and I'd like to bring my talents and experience to a group of mature gamers that are playing the new Origins together against the AI units. I prefer PvE but ill play PvP if needed.

Some of my pros

- Great at organizing bases and camps for easy access to stockpiles

- Good Sniper

- Great looter

- Great Heli Pilot (Especially Mi17)

- have no problem with sharing everything I find

- love team play

If I sound like someone you could use reply to these thread.

Happy Hunting!

Edited by Falko Voltz

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We're mostly in Europe but we're expanding in the US lately. If you wish to join go to codsclan.co.nr and learn about us. Then go to the recruitment page. Get TS ip and pass and join, poke/msg/join SuperXNoodle and say Icy sent you to be interviewed and possibly recruited

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I invite you to my new server Origins : 11502 enjoyable gaming

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