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ORIGINS 1.7.5 IS LIVE ON THIS SERVER - Tactical Operations Unit☣☆★☆☣ - A NEW DayZ Origins Community - Active Admins, 4H-Restarts,

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COME AND JOIN US AND EXPERIENCE 1.7.5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes you have heard it right! Tactical Operations Unit is back with the same people who made the first server great! Welcome to the NEW TacOps server! Getting tired of hackers ruining your game play on DayZ Origins? Join our NEW server where we have a good community of people who play often. Also the best thing about this server is that we have many admins who are on 24/7 (different time zones) to make sure no one is hacking or cheating on our servers. Join up today, you won't regret it!


Server Information


IP Address:

Forums --> ugp-forums.proboards.com


Why this server?


  • We have a bunch of administrators on this server.
  • We got admins from different time zones, so you'll be sure to have admins on all the time.
  • A WORKING 4 hour auto-restart script to ensure stability and fresh loot at sector B.
  • Frequent back up of server files, so we can roll back.
  • Artofwarcentral.com Backbone, great ping from all over the country and world.
  • Friendly community
  • PVP is welcomes, no rules limiting it.
  • Ventrilo Server for Support we will give ACTIVE teams a private vent channel.
  • More Loot, Vehicles, Choppers
  • Very active starting community!

Starting gear of this server is just the basic makarov, bandage, flashlight.

So join up today and get the prime real estate! :)

Edited by tacticaloperations
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I agree.. great server. Friendly admins who are helpful for guys not so familiar with origins.

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Bmping this thread. There are currently 20 people on and like 4 or so clans. Log in and get your bases established.

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server just restarted.. going to get my foundation down before the next restart.

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bumping this great new community...

We currently have some aussie friends online right now..

great ping from germany, brazil, and australia thanks to our powerful host in Dallas,TX

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Hey guys, I was part of the original TacOpsUnit server. And I have to say this one is by far better. Not as much people as I wish there was on. But it is slowly but surely gaining popularity. The admins are alot more active on here than the original and the four hour restart script has worked flawlessly imo. Please join this server! I need more peeps to kill. :D

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That byelov rumblin was insane. About 15 people free for all. So many crosses in byelov and the server still running smooth. Join up. Tac Ops would love to have you.

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Hit 38 people tonight around 10pm cst and around 20 still on right now. Server is definitely starting to grow. Come join before all the good base spots are taken up.

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Hit 38 people tonight around 10pm cst and around 20 still on right now. Server is definitely starting to grow. Come join before all the good base spots are taken up.

Yeah what a great server! We had lots of fun last night, it is obviously growing!

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