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Pizza Delivery Crew [BANDIT CLAN] [14+] [TEAMSPEAK] [ENGLISH]

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Pizza Delivery Crew is a group of bandits!

The rules are as follows!

You must be 14+ to join!

You must be able to act mature when needed!

You must have experience in DayZ for over two months!

Respect all players, unless obvious sarcasm!

Be able to joke around, it's a game after all.



How long have you been playing dayz?:



How Active:

Anything else we need to know:

After filling that out join our team speak and Talk to Distortic or AzariahKyras (post your application on this thread)

***TS*** :ny7.progamerhosting.com:9046


********You may have seen this thread already, our previous leader quit so i'm taking over the squad!*******

Edited by Distortic
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Name: Harry (or Hazza) IGN: Spear

Age: 13

How long have you been playing dayz?: Around a Year

Timezone: U.K Europe/London

Bandit/Hero?: I can be a hero or a Bandit it just depends on what we are doing

How Active: Im online almost everyday

Anything else we need to know: Im mature and love DayZ my favourite weapon is the M14 Aim. I can also have a joke when it is needed. If you want my skype just message me so we can talk about the ts and stuff like that

Edited by GamerFlyzone

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How long have you been playing dayz?:

15 and I've been playing for 3 Weeks


GTM: - 4 (Eastern Standard)


Bandit for Lyfe

How Active:

Pretty much everyday

Anything else we need to know:

I play Origins as well as regular (Chernarus)

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name: irl max , username Zorrk

ive been playing for around 6 months

eastern time zone

le bandito :P

im playing almost everyday

age: im 13 and i am looking for a clan i can just mess around with and have some fun. i think everyone plays this game to seriously, its a game it supossed to be fun. i can easily take a joke and i enjoy playing in a more laid back community and this seems to be the right place. im on ts atm but i wont be on for long ( seeing as i have football in a few hours) but if i can get confirmed soon would be great

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How long have you been playing dayz?:around 4-5 months

Timezone:Im British so


Greenwich Mean Time

Bandit/Hero?: Mostly bandit but can be a hero sometimes

How Active: Usally fridays,saturdays and sundays

Anything else we need to know:Im great at driving epsicially aircraft

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so apparently this clan bans peoiple for no reason?

We want experienced players. You didnt know where berenzino was.. Sorry Declined

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Name: Declan


How long have you been playing dayz?:

Since June last year.

Timezone:UK europe/Ireland

Bandit/Hero?:I play as a bandit mostly, but I honestly don't care what playstyle we're doing.

How Active:On everyday for a while.

Anything else we need to know: I'm very expereinced with the game, on the official hive i've got really nice gear (m14 aim, food drinks etc), my favorite gun is the m240 and I am best at piloting.

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Hop onto TS.

Obama you haven't filled out how old you are

Boogie you haven't filled out how long you have been playing.

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Hop onto TS.

Obama you haven't filled out how old you are

Boogie you haven't filled out how long you have been playing.

Oh sorry about that, forgot. I'm 14. I'll hop on the TS3 now

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Oh sorry about that, forgot. I'm 14. I'll hop on the TS3 now

You keep hopping in and out of TS, no need to be shy.

Edited by AzariahKyras

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Age: 16

How long have you been playing dayz?: over a year and a half

Timezone: Eastern US

Bandit/Hero?: Bandit

How Active: On everyday

Anything else we need to know: I have a good shot with a sniper :)

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Name - IRL: Sean

IGN: SeanTheOverlord

Age: 18

How long have you been playing DayZ: 7 months

Timezone: UK

Bandit/Hero: Im easy

How Active: Almost everyday

Anything else we need to know: I can pilot and have good map knowledge.

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Name - IRL: Sean

IGN: SeanTheOverlord

Age: 18

How long have you been playing DayZ: 7 months

Timezone: UK

Bandit/Hero: Im easy

How Active: Almost everyday

Anything else we need to know: I can pilot and have good map knowledge.


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Name: Daniel

Age: 16

How long have you been playing dayz?: Since it came out

Timezone: GMT-6 (Mountain Time)

Bandit/Hero?: Closer to hero but love to kill (mwahahaha)

How Active: Almost Everyday

Skype: Rubixmaster5567

Youtube: Rubixmaster5567 (Gaming Channel about 300 subs)

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Name: Daniel

Age: 16

How long have you been playing dayz?: Since it came out

Timezone: GMT-6 (Mountain Time)

Bandit/Hero?: Closer to hero but love to kill (mwahahaha)

How Active: Almost Everyday

Skype: Rubixmaster5567

Youtube: Rubixmaster5567 (Gaming Channel about 300 subs)

Hop on TS

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Distortic- i wont be playing dayz much till i get my computer upgraded its just a pain. feel free to add me on steam lastright81396

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