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Immersion: More explorable houses and barricades!

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To clarify something, I'm perfectly aware that the lack of open houses is an issue with the map itself.

There are two main obstacles to really give this game the immersion and zombie-apocalypse feeling that would make it excellent: the lack of the ability to barricade oneself and how few houses one can actually go into. Both of these features would naturally require a whole lot of work to make them even viable, but I think that the benefit tremendously outweighs the cost.

Those two things by themselves could make the game into a true masterpiece, and I'm sure that many other players would agree.

It's time to recognize how huge this game is becoming, and strive to make it even better.


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I don't see this ever happening, they would have to edit and remodel all the houses and I don't think they have the resources or the ability to do so.

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No, the main obstacle is the prevailance of the CoD/BF3 crowd who just wants to shoot everything that moves because of their addition to stats and scoreboards.

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There could be a possible solution for the actual lack of interiors discussed here, but it has to be confirmed by a dev to be doable.

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Are there not any more diverse models for enterable houses in any mod resources or mods out there? If these could be ported (with permission) to Day Z and inserted into towns... then I think it'd save a bunch of work.

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The takistan map has more enterable buildings I believe. The problem with that map is the amount of barracks and amount of military loot you could get.

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The takistan map has more enterable buildings I believe. The problem with that map is the amount of barracks and amount of military loot you could get.

I have not fully played on that map but from driving through the main towns and many buildings, am i right to believe EVERY house in enter able?

Also from the overview, the map looks smaller compared to chernarus.

Loos a bit to open to, like snipers would love it! I would love to try it out though.

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Creating a map for Arma 2 is a non trivial activity but quite doable if it was beneficial. The game would benefit from having a custom map designed for the game instead of the default Arma 2 map. But based on the way the current one plays I am not convinced the map is all that much of a problem, at least not a pressing one.

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It's possible to use buildings from one map with those from another... in a custom *map*. Tak does have more usable buildings but they are desert type dwellings for the most part and would look a bit strange anywhere else.

This is one of those things that makes me eager for Arma3 (much improved buildings).

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