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carbine781 (DayZ)

*GUIDE #2* What You Need To Head North! (list / description of items)

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Hi. I have 2 guides on this topic. Check out the first one here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/138208-guide-what-you-need-to-head-north-list-description-of-items/

Each guide has its own advantages and disadvantages. The first guide had the advantage of the fact that you didn't have to stop at Stary Sobor, one of the most dangerous cities in the game. This guide, although you have to go to Stary Sobor, is a lot quicker and not as tedious.

Why go up north? First, the north is home to many places, such as Stary Sobor, various castles, and 2 airfields. All of the best gear can be found up north. You can also find a lot more vehicles in the north. The north is also home to mysterious helicopter crash sights. To sum it up, the north has a lot of points of interests, better gear, and brings the best memories.

Ok. Here is the 2nd guide. Be sure to check out the first one later when you get a chance!

1. A Hatchet!

A hatchet is all you need for defense. If you do find another gun, you have a choice of taking it or leaving it. It is nice to have, but it makes you look like more of a threat. I'd pick it up, but do whatever you think is best. A couple guns that I will tell you NOT to pick up is the doubled barrel shotgun and the x-bow. Also, don't use crowbars... they aren't nearly as powerful as a hatchet. If you run into a secondary weapon, pick it up.

2. Some food and water

If you want, you can maybe go with only 1 drink, though i recommend 2 or more. Water bottles are real useful, as you can refill them. As for food, you probably only need 1-2 as well. The good thing about food and water is that theres never really so much thing as too much food or water.

3. Navigational Supplies

If you are on a server where you can set waypoints on your map, then one map is all you need. A compass is also recommended. To set a waypoint, hold shift and left click where you want it to be. A waypoint will then appear on your screen. If you can't find a map, use an online map.

4. *OPTIONAL* Medical Supplies

In my attitude, if medical supplies are close by (Elektrozavadosk), go for them. If they are sort of out of the way(Chernogorsk), don't go with them. The most you need is a couple bandages, but its also really nice to have other medical supplies just incase you need them. Theres nothing worse then breaking your leg somehow in a forest and having to crawl your way to a hospital.

Ok You have everything you need. Find Stary Sobor on your map, set a waypoint if you can, or just follow the roads until you get there.

25 Minutes Later...

5. Once you are at Stary Sobor...

Ok. So after a long walk, you made it to Stary! First, try to approach from the North West. How? Walk around Stary. Once you are in the north west, you'll see the super market. Run to it as fast as you can. Before looting it, make sure that theres nobody in there. Get some cans of food and some drinks, and maybe a bigger backpack. Finally, once you are done with that, you can try going to the military tents. On your way there, hug the buildings so you have cover from any bandits. Also, if you run into the long cow shed, go into it. You can look out the windows, and it provides great cover. You may also find a weapon there if you are lucky. When you go to the military tents, try to be as fast as possible. Stary Sobor is a great pitstop, and it's full of great supplies, but don't overstayed your welcome. When you decide its time to leave, simply run. I'd recommend going back north west, or wherever is closest.

There you go! You have just looted Stary Sobor, and you are on your way to another cool place. Check out the North West airfield, Devils Castle, and take a little visit at Berezino if you want. Thanks for Reading!

Check out my other strategy of going north (link at the top)

Please leave a few beans here, and check out my other posts.


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Good guide. Should have named the topic "Guide to Stary Sabor". Also I approached it from the southwest and hit the barn first. To my experience the barn is usually empty of people because there is not a lot of loot like the market. That barn however has turned up some good items for me.

You should do a guide per town. Best tactics, best loot spots, best routes, emergency alt routes. Etc

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