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[EV] El Varden recruiting all bandits

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Welcome to [EV] El Varden Recruitment Post

We are currently looking for new recruits.

We mainly play on a server run by our rival clan, Beck's Privateers.

There are 3-4 other groups who aren't a problem, but we need skilled players to help rule over the server

PM me or comment if you're interested in joining us and taking over Chernarus!

Server Name: Beck's Privateers dayzchermarus

IP sever:

TeamSpeak: becks-privateers.com

(please speak to [EV] Death and/or [EV] Dwarthen for more info)

I need your-

in-Game Name



Main (Sniper, Medic, Pilot, ect.):

Other Useful Facts

Edited by S.Williams
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He typo'd

it's becks-privateers.com

as the teamspeak info


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