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My Two Cents?

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Hello whoever,

This is going to be my 2 cents about dayz; about the genre, game bugs,hackers, and suggestions. I have played Dayz for almost a year now and have been through all the stages, Bambi->survivor->bandit->hero honestly i've done them all and am now playing more of a veteran role,helping out the community and such doing what i can. So now to my 2 cents; i think dayz is a great mod and a wonderful idea as there is no other game like it (*cough *cough Warz is completely different). Throughout any game in its early stages there are always problems that need to be overcome and dayz has certainly been doing its best fighting off hackers,script kiddies,game error and various bugs. So with the fights and struggles that this mod has been through i'm sure that it will continue to grow and become a very successful Standalone game. And as for suggestions i've thought of just a few things that would be nice to have in the standalone on my way home from school as i was walking through nature. Note these are just some ideas that i had while walking home,so not a whole lot of time has been spent completely thinking these things through.

-cars driving off road should leave tracks but should disappear after server restarts and such->Why i think this should be implemented? I think it would be a cool effect to add to the game, it would make it harder to hide cars far off road without them being tracked,good for finding camps, Also will influence driving on roads which means bandits could setup roadblocks and this will create a confrontation.

-Town houses-After playing for a while on dayz and exploring the different maps i thought it would be a good idea to not only implement new building but more of a specific look at the apartments,could there be added townhouse or rural areas to the map,with actual street sign and parks etc... Or even just an actual apartment complex with a bunch of lootable townhouses (check picture 1 and 2 for visual examples) Why i think this should be implemented? Very simply because it would be a nice change to the from the old cherno apartments with multiple floors,these new townhouses would take longer to loot but should also have more loot spawns than the average cherno apartment making the trade-off for a new building somewhat worth it (might i a recommend a deck spawn on the back?) And to add to the apocalypse maybe a gory scene can be added to the community park or swimming pool;)

-Also while walking an old image popped into my head of a locked door with zombies behind it (Nudge Nudge walking dead ep.1) it would be cool if there was some type of building maybe a small prison,school,church that had zeds inside of it that maybe did a little more damage...the doors to this place should of course be openable but at what cost you might ask? there should be dead military in there along with a ton of zeds even it out so that the risk of death by zombies is equal to the possible military loot that can be gained of the bodies of dead military.

-How about different kinds of add-ons to your vehicle? example being able to add thin sheets of plywood to your car to make a tad more sustainable, or adding some found scrap metal, melting it down and then adding aluminum sheets to your car. This would be nice to implement but probably won't make too much of a difference to the game,still would be cool though.

-Well while walking through nature i found a beehive and thought hey why not make honey something to add into the game? you should need a empty tin can and some luck to successfully extract some honey from the hive without being stung(bees should do minor damage but still be and unwanted injury-maybe about 600-800 blood every time you fail)Though this may sound like a lot of work for a can of honey it is worth it because honey should maybe be a sort of energy booster without crash.Should allow you to run faster for a short time period,and/or do something a little bit better.

-That bring me onto my next point....candy? candy should be used as more of a heat of the moment type of thing as it should grant you the same thing as honey but give your ingame character a nasty crash, or slug movement/feeling after the sugar rush is over.Could add a energy meter in the debug or add a icon for energy,as energy goes down your character will go more and more sluggish until....you pass out and wake up somewhat revived.

- Usually, at least in the movies when there is a some type of world affecting crisis, somehow the local fire hydrants begin going off. This would not only be a good idea for fresh drinking water but they should also run out of water eventually and the only way to get them back would be the server restart,so i think giving them a couple hours worth of water would make them pretty fair. Also adding to the scenery maybe some tilted garbage cans with very low grade loot in them would be a nice effect, let them spawn cans,old clothes(fit them weird), and other garbage.

-The last thing i want to say in the 2 cents is that i love this game dearly, and i wish the developer good luck in the producing of the standalone.But PLEASE keep the arma button layout or try to simplify it:)

Thats all guys thank for reading enjoy the picture;)

-Officer Friendly

Picture #1


Picture #2





Edited by Guhnfights1

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apply structure to your text, generously. Because one does get braincancer just from trying not to jump a line ..

devide your big suggestion into small ones because people tend to reply to one idea olny and all the other are left ignored.


some of what you wrote has allready been mentioned. But they all seem pretty reasonable.

I perticulary like the tracks idea (grass, once pushed down, should stay that way) but someone told me

it would be to stressful for a server to handle all the grass (and tracks) when I suggested it.

Edited by UmBe

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I think if this essay was structed properly,some may take the time to read it.As it is though i doubt many will.Try pressing enter a few times!

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Another issue with this is that the man is sort of saying, "Okay, I'm at the point where the game is easy. Make it harder for me and everyone else, please!" We don't want the game to be inaccessible for new players, do we?

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We don't want the game to be inaccessible for new players, do we?

I don't think Rocket cares, or should care.

When I started playing all I did was whining about the game beeing to hard. I wanted the starting pistol back I heard of in legends. But I kept playing an managed to loot somehow and in the end it was more fun that way .. way more fun.

And maybe if the game stays inaccessible and hard to play maybe it will fend of little kids who want another arcadeshooter with Zombies.

Edited by UmBe

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