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Looking for 1 or 2 people to survive with.

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I have been a dayZ player for a little over a year now so im well experienced in the game. Im looking for players who are older than 17 to group up with every now and then to play some Dayz or wasteland or whatever. I like teamwork. Very important to me. Im 18 just graduated high school and I want mature players to play with. Dont care if you are from the US or the UK just want someone to survive with. Put your age and experience in a message or a reply and if you are good ill add you on my skype. So if you are tired of surviving alone then we can team up. This post is always valid for I am always looking for new people to survive with.

Edited by CyberTech

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I'll give you a few bullets to survive with. Do you like having working legs or arms more?

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<'gooogle translation'>

Do you want to join the Dayz Medics Clan?

We help other people and we have one extra nightvision.

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cyber tech google is a troll ignore him

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Hey there! If you're looking for a new server, we'd be happy to have you over at Scorched Earth. We're a Chernarus server running custom loot, vehicles and buildings. Our server admins are very active, and you'll find our community is very friendly too, and you'll definitely find people to play with :)

Our community's ages range from around 16-35 on average (our oldest player is 61!)

Our IP is

You can also join us on Teamspeak @

Hope to see you soon!

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The Hell Bound Soldiers is recruiting any type of player who is a FAIR PLAYER! We teach our bambis how to play and let our experienced players furfill their blood lust, we are recruiting ages 16 and up, exceptions can be made.

Join teamspeak and check us out, speak to raptor or Cradboard for recruitment:


Check out our website at:


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Well I guess I can finally decide try out the 1.7.7 or build lol.

Live in UK and aged 25

my skype is: Roger_Shrubz

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