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NEW Taviana 2.0 #1 Hosted by DeadByZed

350+ Vehicles - Custom Spawns - Heli Lift - 24/7 Daylight - Custom Compounds

Custom heli crash guns/loot (G36 variants, SCAR, L85, M4SPR, etc...)

Custom anti-hacks by sporkulus (skype - sporkulusgamertag)

Self Bloodbag - Remove Vehicle Parts

Server IP:

DeadByZed Ts: deadbyzed.teamspeakservers.com:7285

Website: http://deadbyzed.enjin.com

==========================Server Rules===============================

Obviously no hacking,duping,bug using...you hack you get an instant perm ban from our server and possibly a global ban when reported,other offences as duping,bug using and combat logging could get you warned or banned depending on the severity of your actions.

NO scripting in shit just to make your life easier while playing,again this is hacking and will result in the same as above.

NO abusive or racist behaviour to ANYONE in the server for whatever reason! doing so results in a kick, if continued a ban,also no racist clan tags must be worn,if you have racist clan tags you will be asked to change them failing to do so will get a kick or if you continue to ignore the warnings a ban.Racism will NOT be tolerated.

ENGLISH ONLY in side channel (typing) this is an English server and anyone typing a different language will be 1st Warned and asked to keep it English only but if you continue to type in an alternative language you may then be KICKED until you obey the English only rule if you still ignore all warnings you will be TEMP BANNED (7 Days)

NO Mic chat on anything other than DIRECT CHANNEL....typing on side channel is fine if you need help or just want to type to your friends/enemies in game BUT if you use it for MIC chat you will be warned at first and if you continue you will be KICKED....come back and continue to be disruptive to everyone in game and you will be BANNED

(accidents happen and you may mistakenly chat on side channel by mic but as long as you change to direct you will be fine)

Pvp will NOT get you banned or kicked,we welcome bandits and friendlies alike,just no abuse between everyone if you happen to be killed or kill another.

ANYONE doing suicidal kamikazee missions into people's camps will be BANNED or deliberately driving (Air) vehicles into another player will be BANNED, it takes people time to make a good camp and i don't need some smart ass twat ruining them for whoever is residing in them at the time and as for driving (Air) vehicles into another players (Air) vehicle you don't stand to get anything from it since both parties will die so is pointless and you would just be trolling for trolling's sake which is why that is a bannable offence. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!

Adjusted the server rules for kamikazee's, This ONLY applies to air vehicles (Heli's,planes) Since BOTH parties will definitely die and neither stands to gain anything from the act whereas if a car/truck is kamikazee'd you do stand a chance of survival and can be a strategic move for a player/team.

Other than that enjoy the server and please report any issues or problems to the admins here in our forums or PM them.

Admins of the server are





If you have a problem and no admins are around you may also speak to one of my known allies in game so they can report back any problem you have to me directly and i will look into the issue.


Edited by 905UneeKs
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Cheers for the plug UneeKs! :beans:

Our servers are in the process of being transferred over to the new dedi, currently only Tavi #1 has been moved over. We are still having a few teething issues but our admin team is working hard on getting everything back to service as usual.

We have a very active (mature) admin team as well as a few active moderators who monitor the server almost constantly and we can always be contacted through our TS server.

Our previous servers have regularly been in the top 10 of all dayz servers and we work hard to provide a stable and fair dayz experience.

We currently run Taviana (.com version), Panthera and Celle. All heavily modified.

I'm sure Bass will be along shortly to add all the details!

More info can be found at deadbyzed.enjin.com

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Looking for a custom taviana server come on down.

Edited by 905UneeKs

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Don't play on this server, it has a very serious problem of dumping you in the ocean with 0 gear but the same blood you had before logging, and rather than putting you back where you logged you simply get told "Find your body".

Great admins. Not.

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