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Pre E3 2013 information.

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Am I allowed to ask about the leaked streams? I don't think you have said anything officially?:

Well like what am I going to say? I don't think it's fair and one of the reasons we have been killing twitch channels that come up is because it's not fair to legitimate streamers who won't stream it because it's a pirate copy. The other thing is it doesn't really bother me in the long term because it's a multiplayer game so if you can't authenticate with the server because your account isn't authorised on steam then you aren't going to be able to play multiplayer. I think getting really upset and angry about it doesn't really achieve anything because the real focus of ours should be finishing what we are doing at the moment, but man that old gear screen in that build, I seriously talked with Matt about just letting a bunch of people stream so they could see it's not still that awful version being used. It's a really old build, over two months old from before I left for Everest. (some guy was exiting before when we were watching the stream and we saw the build number so know how old it is)

Can you put the rumour to rest that the alpha is being released this month?:

There is no defined date, we are really pushing a milestone based release. We could pick a date but what if we aren't satisfied that people are getting their money worth on that date, then we have to let people down and delay. We have hit our blocking milestone which was the client-server architecture so technically we can do our release whenever we need to now. We would like to push it out as soon as we can but we don't have a date.

People really want to know about construction, any update?:

Nothing. I need to be really brutal about this and need to remember to do this in all the interviews at E3 to manage peoples expectations. I'm being really brutal about two things. 1. The architecture - we want to get it right so are spending extra time designing stuff in such a way that it's extensible and we can do other stuff with it later at the expense of content now. 2. Quality - I just reamed our artists out before about our current character because there are a few issues with it. I basically said fix it or we are cancelling E3 - that's how bad we want to fix some of the stuff. I am really pleased we are able to maintain that and the only reason we can is because how well BIS did with ArmA II and the amount of anticipation for DatZ. For example, if we want a bottle of water we can pay three artists to create that and then only choose the best one. You just can't do that normally. So with the construction I'm not even letting anyone think about it until we have the alpha released, same with vehicles. We might leave the vehicles in just so people can drive around but they will be entirely ripped out at some point and replaced.

Will there be helicopters?:

Again, all that stuff comes after. The first thing we want you to be able to do is run around, find a weapon, find some gear, craft some stuff etc. Basically the idea of the Dayzmod when I first had the idea, all the stuff I thought was important in a survival gear. From there we will follow the Minecraft approach and pump out weekly updates that add new weapons, LOS only radios, battery usage etc. I think that point is really important and I need to manage peoples expectations.

How are you able to lose zombies now with them running indoors and better AI?:

It's line of sight, so I've been testing that a lot. So at the moment (again at a quite simple level) if you run out of line of sight for a period of time, the zombie will change into it's alert phase. So the zombies have three phases right now, loiter where it stumbled around, alerted which is where it's moving fast and then frenzy where it breaks into a sprint. It will sprint to your last known location and then it will search around for you, if it finds you it will continue sprinting. Even if it loses you completely it will retain some aggro so it will still move around in an alerted state but it won't sprint.

A lot of people want to know about the sandbox type stuff. Besides looting, hunting and shooting, what other plans do you have?:

Yeh so since I've been back, Ivan has been handling most of the crafting side of things and I've mainly been dealing with the architecture stuff so for example the other day all the Reddit and forum mods tested out the new radios that we have made, so there are two kinds of radios currently that are heavily inspired by SS13, one is what we are calling a transmitter which you can use to talk to other players and the other is a proper traditional radio that you can tune into internet frequencies with so you'll be able to talk to other players and listen to streaming radio. The transmitters currently have unlimited range but what we have our programmers working on now (after discussing in the testing) is having them limited by distance and doing some kind of degradation at the end of the range and we have a few other ideas for them that we are discussing.

What kind of weapons are you planning?:

All items and weapons are being redone, everything. One of our external artists did a lot of work on Grand Theft Auto and was quite a score for us. I'll just open the spreadsheet, we have got bolt action rifles, semi-auto hunting rifles, military style rifles, ruger, remmington shotguns, mauser, mosin-nagant. There is quite a lot of bolt action rifles, there is quite a bit of a mix, there is a lot of stuff you would expect in a Eastearn European country but we have also added in some military weapons like the M4A1. We aren't aiming for realism, we are aiming for authenticity; so we make a few concessions, you might find a few scopes that fit quite a few weapons instead of one specific weapon.


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Who makes an account just to reply to a stolen thread?

Been wanting to make one for a while anyways...

Very active on Reddit and GAF, this was the thing that pushed me over the edge.

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Been wanting to make one for a while anyways...

Very active on Reddit and GAF, this was the thing that pushed me over the edge.


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No harm in circulateing good information.

Not everyone reads everything.

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While you did have good intentions with this thread, it is basically a giant repost

so locking - no fault to you

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