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Looking for a Survival Partner(s)

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Hey guys! I'm currently looking for people that are willing do what take to survive either being regulars / heroes /bandits (Not recommended though).

Anyways tell me little about yourselves like how long you have been playing DayZ (And its other DayZ Mods), or what you do for a living, etc.

Preferably be around ages 16+ and knowing this is a game not your life (Just be mature about it if you got shot out of the blue).

Just have a fun time, this basically all about..


Don't care what we use to talk together, I usually use Skype.

Timezone is kind of important. I'm at Pacific Time. (I don't mind we're 1-3hours apart as long it isn't 6+ apart).

Anyways here's my contact info!

(Skype): Girrik917



Edited by Girrik

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Hey Girrik!

I just started to play the game and would like to find a companion to adventure with. I am just learning the game and would be interested in just about anything. What time zone are you in?

I have a TeamSpeak3 server if it would be of use.

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Hey man, I've been playing for a few months now so I know the ropes but I'm still sorta new because I don't play too often, I added you on Skype and i'd defineitly be interested in playing together if you are down! but i'd prefer not to be Bandits

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Hey! I see you are looking for a group! If you are interested come along and play with us! :)

- Information -

Max Players: 50

Vehicles: 100

Mod Version: Vanilla 1.7.7

Map: Chernarus

Server Location: London, UK

Restart Timer: Every 6 hours

Battleye: Enabled

3rd Person: Enabled

Crosshairs: Off

Difficulty: Veteran

IP and Port:

Any questions feel free to join the server and ask me (mrbravo66) or PM on the forums. We are looking for regulars, however don't let that discourage you if you want to join for a bit of fun!

Also, we are running gotcha antihack for added server protection!

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