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US 8546 (v1.7.6.1/build 103419) [RECRUIT|CH:ON] (OFFICIAL) NO PVP Friendly server| vilayer.com

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So, here is my complaint with the server.

A) The Host or admins, etc, Ban anyone from the server that violates their no-pvp rules.

B) Looting other dead player corpses results in a perma-ban from the server.

C) You can not steal from any player. (Tent, Cars, Corpse, Live-Player)

D) Ban for not speaking english, or another other form of language.

The server is "US 8546 (v1.7.6.1/build 103419) [RECRUIT|CH:ON] (OFFICIAL) NO PVP Friendly server| vilayer.com"

Or if you connect by IP.

In violation of rules stated below.


- Their are only two reasons why you, as a server owner, should ban a player on your server. Those two reasons are: Malicious talk, and racism. You may not ban a user for stealing your loot, killing you, spying on you, etc.

- You may only kick for disruptive behavior (such as continued VOIP over side channel). But you may not kick due to race or language or because the person does something you do not like.

- Kicking for extremely excessive ping or desync is permitted, but if abused is grounds for blacklisting

This server has no risk factor aside from zombies running around, and is in clear violation of the set rules.

I am also attaching a picture I took last night in the server, and a link for those that do not wish to download anything.


The current admins are

Lucy(Server Owner)

Lucia(Server Owner)

Daddy1(Random Guy)

DontShoot(Random Girl)


Edited by DustyMittens

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So let me understand, your angry that a server YOU PLAY ON FOR FREE has rules set by the admin WHO PAYS FOR IT that you don't like and is in the server name warning you BEFORE YOU EVER WENT IN?

"NO PVP Friendly server"

Do you go into Florist shops and rage they don't sell milk? No? Silly right?

There are TONS of servers. I've played there, it's nice occasionally to be able to ask for a Blood Bag, share a ride, make a new friend, or help a noobie out learning the game. What's your beef?

And, by the way, the rule you quoted has an interesting phrasing you either ignored or missed, "your". So Admins can't allow PvP in general but ban for killing THEM, allow stealing in general but ban for stealing from THEM. If the rule applies across the whole server what's your issue?

But seriously, even if all that doesn't makes sense, simply put "Don't play there".

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  On 6/13/2013 at 5:45 AM, Pelamore said:

So let me understand, your angry that a server YOU PLAY ON FOR FREE has rules set by the admin WHO PAYS FOR IT that you don't like and is in the server name warning you BEFORE YOU EVER WENT IN?

"NO PVP Friendly server"

Do you go into Florist shops and rage they don't sell milk? No? Silly right?

There are TONS of servers. I've played there, it's nice occasionally to be able to ask for a Blood Bag, share a ride, make a new friend, or help a noobie out learning the game. What's your beef?

And, by the way, the rule you quoted has an interesting phrasing you either ignored or missed, "your". So Admins can't allow PvP in general but ban for killing THEM, allow stealing in general but ban for stealing from THEM. If the rule applies across the whole server what's your issue?

But seriously, even if all that doesn't makes sense, simply put "Don't play there".

Hey I know you just made your forum account, and all. But maybe you should go read http://dayzmod.com/f...administration/

As well because you are just as clueless, and a troll as any.

I even quote for you since, I know your reading skills are subpar.

IMPORTANT: There are RULES that you need to follow as a server administrator. They are as follows:
  • The server MAY NOT be passworded
  • You MAY NOT run any other mods, or keys.
  • You CANNOT kick other players for your friends and clanmates
  • You CANNOT lock the server for ANY reason at ANY time
  • You CANNOT edit the DayZ Mod mission files
  • Battleye MUST be installed and running at ALL TIMES
  • Minimum slot count of 40 (30 for countries where bandwidth is expensive i.e. developing countries)
  • You may only ban players for two reasons: Malicious talk, and racism.
  • You may only kick for disruptive behavior (such as continued VOIP over side channel).

Kicking for extremely excessive ping or desync is permitted, but if abused is grounds for blacklisting

Edited by DustyMittens
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My point is what is your point?

I doubt your reason for posting this is about fairness or some rules violation. Your angry you didn't get your way dude. Among thousands of servers, and hundreds of "Official" servers why fixate on just one that you don't like the admins policies for?

Quote all the rules and policies you want, your not here to right some legal or moral wrong. Your here because your a spiteful child pissed that the kids next door don't want to play the game you do. You didn't get your way and now want to ruin it for other people.

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Is it a public server, or private hive?

If its private, there is nothing that can be done. If its public, they're not allowed to do this.

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  On 6/14/2013 at 1:45 PM, Statik said:

Is it a public server, or private hive?

If its private, there is nothing that can be done. If its public, they're not allowed to do this.

This is a public hive.

  On 6/14/2013 at 4:37 PM, HamBoneTommy said:

It is a public hive.

Thank you for clarifying since I wasn't online.

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  On 6/14/2013 at 10:27 PM, DustyMittens said:

This is a public hive.

Thank you for clarifying since I wasn't online.

Then they're not allowed to do this. And they should probably show up and explain their side.

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Hi, I've been playing as Aleksander on this server for the past two days.

Despite it being against official DayZ rules, I love the whole no PvP and no stealing idea. I like enjoying the PvE aspect of the game without having to worry about thoughtless bandits. What I DON'T like, is that admins ban for no other reason than disagreeing. I'm sorry Lucy, I like your server, but you are a bi***.

Yesterday a player was banned for informing the admins that not allowing PvP is against the rules. I am making this post because just now I myself got banned because the server admin thought I stole her truck. (To Lucy should you read: I found the truck stuck in a fence in Krasnostav, when you accused me of stealing it I said I didn't and you said you didn't care anymore, so then obviously I took it. Deal with it.

Sorry to those who won't be able to play on this lovely server after it goes down, but do blame the terrible leadership.

To Pelamore (since you're reading this): Tell James (or was it John?) that there's NVGs and antibiotics for him in the tent :D

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Gonna bump this to the top. Saw some crazy banning going on tonight. There was maybe 5+ players banned within a 10min window for no apparent reason. Someone on there said something to the degree of "there's no one left to worry about unless BiNi is gonna shoot at us." I jokingly responded "I'll rape your face." One dude laughed in sidechat and said I like your style. Then someone else asked if anyone knew who I was and 10 seconds later I was then banned for "foul language."

This server needs to be shut down. They are in violation of multiple rules and the admin/owner bans anyone and everyone for almost anything.

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The admin again banned about the entire lobby after someone started asking why the server admin (Lucy) killed a player (User) on a server that has a no PVP rule. I said nothing the entire time and no one else was involved, but she banned everyone in the lobby which was about 5 people. I have no idea what it is going on and I quickly googled the server and found this thread.

The admin abuse on this server is absolutely ridiculous and is the WORST I have EVER seen in dayz.

This is an OFFICIAL hive and is supposed to be following the rules that the agree to before they are allowed to host. If the server admin wants to ban for no apparent reason she should make a private hive so people don't waste their time setting up a base like I did.

The server admin has the username Lucy.

In conclusion, this server needs to absolutely be taken off of the Public hive for its rule breaking policies, and abusive admin. The childish behavior caused by the server admin, Lucy, has no place in the Dayz community. I sincerely hope that this server is taken off of the public hive because it absolutely does not exhibit the qualities shown in the numerous other official servers. If the server admin, Lucy, wants to make rules that go against the official hive rules and ban for no reason GO TO A PRIVATE HIVE.

Edited by JesseRulz
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  On 6/19/2013 at 10:36 PM, JesseRulz said:

The admin again banned about 5 people in the lobby after someone started asking why she killed him on an no PVP server. I said nothing the entire time and no one else was involved, but she banned everyone in the lobby which was about 5 people. I have no idea what it is going on and I quickly googled the server and found this thread.

The admin abuse on this server is absolutely ridiculous and is the worst I have ever seen in dayz.

This is a PUBLIC hive and an. If the server admin wants to ban for no apparent reason she should make a private hive so people don't waste their time setting up a base like I did.

The server admin has the username Lucy.

In conclusion, this server needs to absolutely be taken off of the Public hive for its rule breaking policies, and abusive admin.


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So what's the deal here? Who takes a server like this off the "official" list?

Sure wouldn't want to walk into this server, all innocent as I am.

Excuse my ignorance here, but I was expecting some kind of "official" response.

Looking at the posted rules above, it appears that PvE can't be enforced on "official" servers anyway, and it's basically "voluntary."

Is that right?

Don't care what private servers do, because I can easily avoid those I don't like.

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I have spoken with DustyMittens and advised him to turn in a support ticket for us to further investigate the matter with a track record of abuse. If anyone else has more information to report on this server please submit a support ticket here https://support.dayzmod.com/submitticket.php.



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  On 6/21/2013 at 6:53 PM, Steak and Potatoes said:

I have spoken with DustyMittens and advised him to turn in a support ticket for us to further investigate the matter with a track record of abuse. If anyone else has more information to report on this server please submit a support ticket here https://support.dayz...ubmitticket.php.



Does the abuse even matter that much? They are advertising that the server is no-pvp which is against the rules. They should be warned and then disconnected from the hive if they don't comply.

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I have to agree, allowing random public hive servers to create random rules (such as no-pvp) is absurd. There is a baseline standard, if they refuse to abide they are free to setup a private hive. The server instance should be revoked. New players will be even more confused, considering the number of private hives and various mods already out there.

Edit: accidentally a word.

Edited by Gand
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Just got banned from this server because the admin didn't like my attitude. Didn't engage in PVP either.

Someone needs to do something to prevent admin abuse like this.

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She ? A girl is come up with a public server and does such stupid thingies ? HAHAHAHA!!1!!! :'D Seems like she is a terrible admin and a terrible person in real life, but considering she rules a public server already, she then must not be "so terrible" at doing something... ya know ;D haha.. what a BS...

There shud be a rule added for the admins to be changed every 2 weeks or such.. Otherwise it is normal for power-hungry admin-wannabies to show off around due to the human nature anyway..

Edited by SoulHunter

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  On 6/23/2013 at 12:46 AM, BiNiaRiS said:

Does the abuse even matter that much? They are advertising that the server is no-pvp which is against the rules. They should be warned and then disconnected from the hive if they don't comply.

Whilst agreeing with what your saying, its not that simple. There are no current tools to disconnect a server. Keeping a track record helps to investigate and compile the evidence needed when the official hive is switched to whitelisting/blacklisting. Once the whitelisting goes into effect (no set date) is when you will see more of what you are describing. Until then it is best to gain an advantage by documenting all cases with legitimate evidence so down the road these servers may be handled appropriately.



Edited by Steak and Potatoes

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  On 6/27/2013 at 11:23 PM, Steak and Potatoes said:

Whilst agreeing with what your saying, its not that simple. There are no current tools to disconnect a server. Keeping a track record helps to investigate and compile the evidence needed when the official hive is switched to whitelisting/blacklisting. Once the whitelisting goes into effect (no set date) is when you will see more of what you are describing. Until then it is best to gain an advantage by documenting all cases with legitimate evidence so down the road these servers may be handled appropriately.



When did they turn off whitelisting/blacklisting servers for the public hive if I may ask? It's been a while since I've played, Just curious.

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  On 6/26/2013 at 1:47 PM, Hutch said:

Quit whining and just play on a different server.

You must be new here....

Edited by RekliSnipez
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  On 6/13/2013 at 5:45 AM, Pelamore said:

So let me understand, your angry that a server YOU PLAY ON FOR FREE has rules set by the admin WHO PAYS FOR IT that you don't like and is in the server name warning you BEFORE YOU EVER WENT IN?

"NO PVP Friendly server"

Do you go into Florist shops and rage they don't sell milk? No? Silly right?

There are TONS of servers. I've played there, it's nice occasionally to be able to ask for a Blood Bag, share a ride, make a new friend, or help a noobie out learning the game. What's your beef?

And, by the way, the rule you quoted has an interesting phrasing you either ignored or missed, "your". So Admins can't allow PvP in general but ban for killing THEM, allow stealing in general but ban for stealing from THEM. If the rule applies across the whole server what's your issue?

But seriously, even if all that doesn't makes sense, simply put "Don't play there".

Simply put: DayZ Hive rules over ride server rules. He is doing something he cannot, so it has to be dealt with.

Its people like you that screw everything up. It doesn't matter if its his server, he has to abide by the rules.

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I'd like to make a quick comment to the snarky one who seemed to be implying that a girl can't be a decent admin. I am a girl and currently Co-Own an extremely popular private hive No PvP server. We are extremely careful about who we choose as staff members and in no way would want our dedicated players "kicked out" every two weeks because some children can't handle the stress of running a server. These people running this server do not deserve the privilage of owning a server and it'd be nice to see them shut down. No PvP servers get a horrible reputation because of people like them and that is exactly why we started our own server. 

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