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[SFOD-DV] Looking for 7 tactical squad members!

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Hello, I am starting a small dayZ/Arma tactical realism squad, this is going to be a small squad of a max of 8 players. I already have two or three friends who play but I am not counting them. To start I will start with the name what the name means is *Special Forces Operational Detachment- DayZ Vigilantes* To start I will tell you what the goal of this squad is (If you have not already figured out because of the name) We are not bandits, we only kill for two reasons 1. Yourself or one of the squad members are threatend or 2. We see a bandit. So if you are the type of person who camps stary or the NWA just to rack up kills with an AS50 then do not bother applying. The goal of SFOD-DV is to build large camps/bases and hoard supplies, vehicles, and weapons. We will be trying to make whatever dayZ map we are playing on a better place for everybody except bandits, hence the name DayZ Vigilantes. Here are some requirments:


1. You must be 16 years old and mature! No exceptions sorry kids, but this is a mature squad.

2. You must play or have the ability to play tacticaly. By this I mean handiling situations such as an ambush or bandit ecounter professionally and logically. I have played with a kids before where when they start getting shot to hell in the middle of an open field all they did was lie down, roll and say repeatedly "I'm about to get fucked". Instead of running for the nearest tactical cover or nole, and calling direction of heat for people who were not getting shot at to lay down suppressive fire on the hostiles.

3. You have to be able to stick to your role (I will cover roles later) Ex. If you are the packmule you cant be doing risky buisness because you may die with a large majority of our food and water.

4. You have to be able to play slow and carefully. By this I mean the squad does not sprint from town to town just to loot as fast as possible and we always have snipers covering and scouting towns before the rest of the squad goes in, we don't just run in as if we have a death wish We scout and prep and get shooters and medics in position first.

5. You must have a basic understanding of dayZ you do not have to have been playing for a certain amount of time. Just know what you are doing.

6. Must have a skype and speak english.

7. Must be able to have fun, and joke to some extent. After all this is only a game.

Now I will explain the roles.


Expendable x1: This is not the safest role, but a very very important one, to do this role I suggest a good computer because stuff happens fast and you may need to do some quick spotting. You should also be a quick thinker and smart. Your jobs consist of taking point while traveling and drawing fire. If we need a flanker you may also be chosen for that aswell. You may also be navigating.

Rifleman x2: We currently only need 2 basic rifleman, this role will carry somthing such as a M4a3 SOPMOD or Other assault rifle. This role will be going in on loot runs and doing medium-close range engagments.

Machine Gunner x1: We currently only need one this role will cary a light machine gun and travel in the back of the squad to give suppressing and pinn people up for flanking you may also act as a Rifleman in cases.

Marksman x1: This role is tough you have to be good at what you do, which is snipe. You will be giving overwatch on towns and taking on long range engagments. You have to understand mil dots and be accurate ranges up to and beyond 1000 meters.

Packmule/Spotter x1: This person always gets the biggest backpack first. He carries extra food and drink as well and vehicle parts and other guns. He also has the job of being a spotter for the sniper and ranging for him as well as calling his shots. You will ideally be carrying a acog weapon.

Medic x1: We need 1 medic, this is a quite safe job because you will be hanging out with the machine gunner a little behind the battle. but strategically and quickly moving ahead if things go south. You will be carrying blood bags, epi-pens, extra bandages and extra morphine.

I know this is starting to become a big squad, but I know not all people will be on always when some people want to play, so I want to make sure there is always a few people on for people to play with.

Application Form:


Skype name:

Role you would like to perform:

How tactically do you play?:

Whats your favorite weapon?:

How well does you computer run Arma?

Combat skill 1-10, 10 being outstanding:

Your most memorable dayZ experience:

I will be interviewing you via skype so after you apply please add me on skype: k.c.strain is my username just leave a little message saying you are looking to join. Feel free to ask any questions you need this is not some big clan this is just a organized squad of people who are looking to play tactically and have fun.

~[sFOD-DV] KStrain

Edited by KStrain
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You do know their are "kids" out there that are mature?

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You do know their are "kids" out there that are mature?

Ok... your point?

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your banned from [CLA] and thanks that you stole our tactics and roles Greetz General Desperado 1st Infantry Division

How, and what tactics and roles did I steal? I didn't know you owned them...

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Ok... your point?

My point:

When you said "No exceptions sorry kids, but this is a mature squad." You're pretty much saying that no kid that ever lived, is mature.

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Do you guys play vanilla? or any submod?

We play a lot of vanilla but, also play breaking point, and wasteland.

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