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yeah, moaning

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whats the point in trying to get veicels and get a camp and crap. its only a matter of time before someone finds you kills you or steals your stuff :(

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It's all about the journey not the destination. Look deep inside yourself Luke.

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and actually hide it well. I had a camp for a VERY long time before the Server I was on was closed to make an Origins one.

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Hide your tents better, it is cheap but you can glitch them into rocks and still access them (usually). Those rarely get found by other players. If you have a car keep a tire in your inventory and pop one of the tires before logging out, does not always work but deters the casual forest runner who does not have a wheel.

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What was the point of posting that on the forums? It will eventually be lost amongst the ocean of other posts.

Essentially, if you look at things that way, nothing is worth doing. No matter what you do, you die in the end, so really none of it matters. Just don't have that pessimistic view.

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whats the point in trying to get veicels and get a camp and crap. its only a matter of time before someone finds you kills you or steals your stuff :(


You must not know about this, the subjects have found out about the exsperiment, now webers, please step into this room for your daily vaccine....(-)_(-) you know noooooooothing......

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Hide your tents better, it is cheap but you can glitch them into rocks and still access them (usually). Those rarely get found by other players. If you have a car keep a tire in your inventory and pop one of the tires before logging out, does not always work but deters the casual forest runner who does not have a wheel.

It's not cheap. It's tactical.

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Hide your tents better, it is cheap but you can glitch them into rocks and still access them (usually). Those rarely get found by other players. If you have a car keep a tire in your inventory and pop one of the tires before logging out, does not always work but deters the casual forest runner who does not have a wheel.

HA! ive found a tent in a rock in the lake with rocks all over. Could not access it., I will one day.

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That a shame that most of the time the tents that are deployed well hidden under tree branches become inaccessible, that could be your solution.

But yeah, just try to not hoarding your stuff, keep the basic stuff, so people will sometime take you 2-3 morphine, 4-5 cooked meat, but at the end, you will always have 40-80% of your stuff what is more than enough. Vehicle is a bad idea though, use tents.

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