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Boss (DayZ)

US9 locked for personal farming and PvE

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If it was locked how would we know what those on the inside are actually doing ?

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That doesn't invalidate his question at all.

Are you allowed to lock a server for personal farming and PvE only?

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How do you know it is for personal farming and PvE ?

Maybe they're running tests and don't want players to disturb them.

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Apparently it's PERFECTLY FINE for admins/server hosts to do this.

Take a look at this thread: dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=1364

Griff just closed the thread and said "Curious admins, mystery solved." So yeah, it's cool dawg. Admins can do what they want. Even if they're pretending to be "TESTING THE MOD".

This is only the like 6th thread of this kind of thing happening. There's not much the common player can do about it. Suppose just wait for a thread lock and be on your way, gents.

P.S. Testing the mod entails repairing a chopper/car to see if it works without bugs. Coincidentally you get to keep the asset you were testing out after your done doing your "testing". Funny how that works.

P.S.S. Testing should ONLY be done by Day Z Dev Team, not random server admins/hosts/friends. DayZ Team already does their own testing so there's no reason for people do their own "personal testing".

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Oh Acebane, sure, one test on one single server is the best way to know if a modification works.

Basically every update, Rocket asks for feedback and to test the new changelog.

If you want to repair a vehicle/helicopter, you need parts, and a vehicle, and you don't want your search to be ruined by some retarded bandit who will kill you even if you tell them what you're doing.

Yeah, about EU7, we've done a lockdown in order to see if car repairs and tents were correctly saved after a server reboot, especially for the repairs.

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Testing should only be done by the dev team.

What is this, an alpha?

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Haters hating, QQ'in and making dramas, still, they're playing for free on your server. Funny.

If an admin wants to lock the server for two hours late in the night to do absolutely what the fuck he wants, testing or not testing, fine.

He spent money to support an alpha, to support the community, to support DayZ and his team without having, and asking, anything in exchange ( on DayZ, as an admin, you can't do anything except kicing, banning, locking and rebooting ). Wow, such power, you can abuse so damn much with that. Even the cheaters spawning GBU's and maphacking are more powerful than me.

The vehicle spawn is totally random, and server hopping is a far more efficient way to loot weapons than locking a server. The entire fucking argument " lol they're locking to find weapons and vehicles " is fucking awful, and made by retarded and ungrateful kids thinking they're on some kind of non-alpha-MMO where stuff actually mean something.

Anyway, if i want to lock my server for two / three hours to throw flares around while watching porn, or testing tents like rocket asked back to the 1.5.4, i will. I.fucking.will. And it is certainly not a bunch of ungrateful brats thinking everything in this world belongs to them that gonna stop anything.

Mark my fucking words.

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There's nothing preventing you from renting your own server and doing the same thing. How much fun would this game be with 5-10 people? Legion's working hard to give us the answer on that one, actually.

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I might be wrong, but if we would leave the building and testing this..awsome mod to dev team..well..then this alpha would stay alpha for a longlong time. And if you have problems with locked servers, then ask permission for the DayZ mod and buy a server and..well..gg:3

(English is not my 1st language, but I belive, i got the point across:3)

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legion does not lock their servers to play alone but to fix things that were messing up so stop hating on legion i get it half of yall dont like them and really they dont care so stop trying to make them mad because i know they dont care about this he says she says stuff anymore

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Yeah, i understand the need to do that sometimes, i did it once, and only once to test something out, for the better of the server. i hope you got the results you where looking for mate, if you need some help with the server stuff, give me a shout, ill be glad to lend a hand.



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  'Gabriel said:

Haters hating' date=' QQ'in and making dramas, still, they're playing for free on your server. Funny.

If an admin wants to lock the server for two hours late in the night to do absolutely what the fuck he wants, testing or not testing, fine.

He spent money to support an alpha, to support the community, to support DayZ and his team without having, and asking, anything in exchange [i']( on DayZ, as an admin, you can't do anything except kicing, banning, locking and rebooting ). Wow, such power, you can abuse so damn much with that. Even the cheaters spawning GBU's and maphacking are more powerful than me.

The vehicle spawn is totally random, and server hopping is a far more efficient way to loot weapons than locking a server. The entire fucking argument " lol they're locking to find weapons and vehicles " is fucking awful, and made by retarded and ungrateful kids thinking they're on some kind of non-alpha-MMO where stuff actually mean something.

Anyway, if i want to lock my server for two / three hours to throw flares around while watching porn, or testing tents like rocket asked back to the 1.5.4, i will. I.fucking.will. And it is certainly not a bunch of ungrateful brats thinking everything in this world belongs to them that gonna stop anything.

Mark my fucking words.

Yeah, you are not biased at all.

They offered their server to rocket so they could support DayZ. They don't have the right to improve their chances in the game by using their "powers". I'm not saying this happened in this case or any other but I am totally against your "the server is ours we do what we want" point of view.

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  'Gabriel said:

Haters hating' date=' QQ'in and making dramas, still, they're playing for free on your server. Funny.

If an admin wants to lock the server for two hours late in the night to do absolutely what the fuck he wants, testing or not testing, fine.

He spent money to support an alpha, to support the community, to support DayZ and his team without having, and asking, anything in exchange [i']( on DayZ, as an admin, you can't do anything except kicing, banning, locking and rebooting ). Wow, such power, you can abuse so damn much with that. Even the cheaters spawning GBU's and maphacking are more powerful than me.

The vehicle spawn is totally random, and server hopping is a far more efficient way to loot weapons than locking a server. The entire fucking argument " lol they're locking to find weapons and vehicles " is fucking awful, and made by retarded and ungrateful kids thinking they're on some kind of non-alpha-MMO where stuff actually mean something.

Anyway, if i want to lock my server for two / three hours to throw flares around while watching porn, or testing tents like rocket asked back to the 1.5.4, i will. I.fucking.will. And it is certainly not a bunch of ungrateful brats thinking everything in this world belongs to them that gonna stop anything.

Mark my fucking words.

Posts like this illustrate the problem with the current server model. Using people to host servers in an mmo-esque cloud setup is only going to cause more of this to occur over time.

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I don't understand why people are taking this as serious as they are.

Just as this was started already in this thread, if you're going to ABUSE the item system (making your server private or not) it is way more efficient to server hop and grab each spawn and logging out and repeating over and over again.

But because admins lock their own server to build a huey or a some other vehicle they are are scum? Do you really think they are getting all the uber loot and planning on joining your random server and owning you with some silenced scoped nvg rocket launcher bullshit? No, they are planning some way different than sniping noobs in an air tower and do not need some cod mouth-breather fucking it all up. Relax.

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  'Gabriel said:

Haters hating' date=' QQ'in and making dramas, still, they're playing for free on your server. Funny.

If an admin wants to lock the server for two hours late in the night to do absolutely what the fuck he wants, testing or not testing, fine.

He spent money to support an alpha, to support the community, to support DayZ and his team without having, and asking, anything in exchange [i']( on DayZ, as an admin, you can't do anything except kicing, banning, locking and rebooting ). Wow, such power, you can abuse so damn much with that. Even the cheaters spawning GBU's and maphacking are more powerful than me.

The vehicle spawn is totally random, and server hopping is a far more efficient way to loot weapons than locking a server. The entire fucking argument " lol they're locking to find weapons and vehicles " is fucking awful, and made by retarded and ungrateful kids thinking they're on some kind of non-alpha-MMO where stuff actually mean something.

Anyway, if i want to lock my server for two / three hours to throw flares around while watching porn, or testing tents like rocket asked back to the 1.5.4, i will. I.fucking.will. And it is certainly not a bunch of ungrateful brats thinking everything in this world belongs to them that gonna stop anything.

Mark my fucking words.

Good lord, calm down. Someone threatens your sacred sovreignty as a server owner and you throw a hissy fit.

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Most of the time, admins don't even have time while playing to do anything besides dealing with whiny 12 year olds and checking bug reports, If they want to mess around for a while on there own server, as long as they don't use the shit they get to PvP i see no problem with it. just do it at off peak hours :D

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  'Gabriel said:

Haters hating' date=' QQ'in and making dramas, still, they're playing for free on your server. Funny.

If an admin wants to lock the server for two hours late in the night to do absolutely what the fuck he wants, testing or not testing, fine.

He spent money to support an alpha, to support the community, to support DayZ and his team without having, and asking, anything in exchange [i']( on DayZ, as an admin, you can't do anything except kicing, banning, locking and rebooting ). Wow, such power, you can abuse so damn much with that. Even the cheaters spawning GBU's and maphacking are more powerful than me.

The vehicle spawn is totally random, and server hopping is a far more efficient way to loot weapons than locking a server. The entire fucking argument " lol they're locking to find weapons and vehicles " is fucking awful, and made by retarded and ungrateful kids thinking they're on some kind of non-alpha-MMO where stuff actually mean something.

Anyway, if i want to lock my server for two / three hours to throw flares around while watching porn, or testing tents like rocket asked back to the 1.5.4, i will. I.fucking.will. And it is certainly not a bunch of ungrateful brats thinking everything in this world belongs to them that gonna stop anything.

Mark my fucking words.

Someone needs to switch to decaf.

Server admins like you are literally the cancer that is being spoken of in this thread.

*Beats Chest* "Server mine! UG do what he want with own server! Noob no tell UG what he can do!"

Get over yourself dude. Seriously.

I think I'm going to go ahead and put a server up, you've made up my mind.

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  'Francis said:

I don't understand why people are taking this as serious as they are.

Just as this was started already in this thread' date=' if you're going to ABUSE the item system (making your server private or not) it is way more efficient to server hop and grab each spawn and logging out and repeating over and over again.

But because admins lock their own server to build a huey or a some other vehicle they are are scum? Do you really think they are getting all the uber loot and planning on joining your random server and owning you with some silenced scoped nvg rocket launcher bullshit? No, they are planning some way different than sniping noobs in an air tower and do not need some cod mouth-breather fucking it all up. Relax.


You know Hueys have two machineguns on the side right? So as soon as they unlock it, they have two machine guns to blast players apart with? You're fine with that, you just said.

And there are risks within server hopping. You can actually be killed. You cannot be killed on a locked server.

And Gabriel you need to calm the fuck down you psychopath. You are donating the server to the mod, that doesn't make you a god. It doesn't put you on a different level than other players.

It's abuse of power, plain and simple. What you're experiencing is called a power trip.

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Even if you get NVG, an M4 or another NATO weapon and a ton of ammo, you're still not that far ahead of anyone else. This isn't really so much of a problem aside from vehicles not being useable for others.

You can just as easily kill people with something like a Lee Enfield or CZ50 if you get the jump.

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i can't imagine an admin would be stupid enough to "blast players apart" with his chopper, its probably going to be used to fly around and have fun in. If an admin is killing people with illegitimate crap THEN grab the pitchforks but come on guys, whats with the witchhunts? anyone seen evidence of any server owners abusing any weapons or items? nope? okay move along. play on another server.

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  'SixPackAbs said:

i can't imagine an admin would be stupid enough to "blast players apart" with his chopper' date=' its probably going to be used to fly around and have fun in. If an admin is killing people with illegitimate crap THEN grab the pitchforks but come on guys, whats with the witchhunts? anyone seen evidence of any server owners abusing any weapons or items? nope? okay move along. play on another server.


Just gtfo the thread.

You don't understand the fucking point.

If it is allowed in this case, then it is allowed in every case, and every admin and all his buddies can do this shit and obviously it will end up being abused.

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So then if someone abuses it you just take his privileges away and get a new server provider.

not that complicated.

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Strange, here I thought we were making a film. The server was opened for 12 hours while we took a break, no one involved in the film was online, when we were ready to continue, we closed it again. Due note we also had it opened while we tested if the server could handle 100 people. It sort of could, closed it again as we're doing some of the last scenes for the film.

Promotion for Dayz, not a bad thing.

Also for the farming comment, even if we were, we'd run out. Wouldn't make sense.

This is the exact reason I'm buying 7 more servers, to avoid this childish shit.

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