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itamar (DayZ)

what is origins and hive

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DayZ Origins is a modification of standard DayZ, set on the Taviana map for Arma2 . Origins includes house and vehicle building, a variety of different zombie types, an island inhabited by NPC's and other features. Just google it.

Official DayZ is run and played on the public hive or main hive servers which are governed by very specific rules. You could search the forums here or PM a moderator for more specific details - the mods here are quite friendly. The equipment you find on one public sever will travel with you to others in the hive, but not to private servers.

Private servers and hives are provided by many various server rental companies to any individual with the desire and funds to rent one, or are run by owners of their own server hardware. The rules on private servers are whatever the owner wants them to be, and depending on the provider, the tools available to private server owners can be very invasive to the player's experience in game. Equipment you collect on a private server is unique to that server. However, on private hives - a connected group of private servers run by a single server provider - your equipment will carry over from one to the next, within that hive.

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