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Stealth / Zombie Dynamic - Constructive Criticism Thread

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The DayZDevTeam's twitter was just updated with a new tweet, saying infected behavior will be the focus of the next hotfix, particularly their hearing ability. So apparently 'Super-Zeds' were not intended.

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Yes with the latest patch I quickly gave up. I have played for a couple of days and was just learning the ropes on how to sneak around zombies. Last night I died 5 times in a row because as soon as I came close to a town, zombies from all over were suddenly chasing me, even if I crouch walked. Several times I would see zombies turning corners a good 100 meters away, already chasing me even though they could not have seen me.

As the OP mentions, zombies should be scary and you should respect them but I feel that in their current state the stealth gameplay is not scary or rewarding, just annoying and frustrating.

Give us decent chances of sneaking past them, but punish us if we fail. More damage is one solution I can get behind. I think what would make things interesting is to create more stages between zombies not noticing you and zombies going aggro and chasing you to the end of the world. I would love to see a deeper zombie AI. Here are some suggestions:

-Zombies can smell the blood of the living, the higher your heartrate and the longer you stay in one place, the bigger the risk that a nearby zombie goes investigating. This does not mean they aggro on you, simply that they start searching the area.

-Zombies scream when they see a survivor, alerting nearby zombies who make their way to the location and go investigating. Again, this does not mean automatic aggro but the chain reaction this can create will make people very careful when sneaking around heavily zombie infested areas.

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Be honest now, is it fun to play a game 100 % prone around and in towns and cities.

People talk about realism here, have you see a zombie around your house?

probably not.

Do you know how a zombie should react on noise or seeing, no one knows

and therefore i quote rocket again:

"If there’s one thing I’ve learned from life in my 31 years, it’s that. I think you could throw millions of dollars at this and miss the mark."

It's has noting to do with realism or not realistic, it all about what player basis

think about the mod, progress and development and of

course the content [period]

Make the mod/game as the developer will, or make it as the huge crowd thinking how it should be in a world of zombies and the environment. That's the question

One day (patch) zombies hear good but see bad, now the have scannerheads, super-eyes and high sensitive hearing and moves in a blink of an eye.

I can not help but I laugh as it is now.

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I agree, its gone between super sight and now the zombies have super hearing.

Its just no fun when zombies spot you from a mile away. Especially when you're far away from a big building like a barn or hill to make them walk slowly. Right now running seems to be the same as firing a Lee-Enfield.

I've completely stopped caring about stealthing since it just isn't work it at the moment. No matter how slow you walk you will be spotted and you're gonna have to sprint to survive and then you will agro everything else in a 300 meter radius.

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I posted this in another thread' date=' but I'll post it here too, because I feel that it is pertinent to the discussion.

This what I have missed from the game.

The creepiest times I have had were when I was in a building with a couple zombies around it at night and knowing that a player might be out there as well, waiting for me to exit ("Was that a player's footsteps?!?!? or a zombie?!?!?! Is there someone in this building with me?!? FUCK HURRY, I need to get the fuck out of here!"). It's the anticipation of an eminent and quick death that frightened me. It made me want to take bizarre routes to certain buildings so that I could scope it out effectively. The new night changes and super zombies have erased that sense of unease for me. I am sure that I am not alone in my opinion.


Shared this exact same sentiment in another thread, this was a huge dynamic in this game and it's completely gone now.

If you want to make zombies a threat, spawn hordes with more random paths (as opposed to the near stationary zeds guarding loot). The mere *possibility* of 100 zombies spilling out of the tree line will definitely affect play. And the actual event will be worth any lost loot :D

The city zeds, however, definitely did not need to be changed. They had a huge impact on urban PvP, and it's a shame that it's completely gone now.

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Why is it that any time you say the zombie mechanics are a bit over done there has to be one or more writers that give you a lecture about attacking Rocket or DayZ? This game is an alpha - they WANT our input. If the current Zed parameters are annoying you or making the game lack enjoyment the DayZ management wants to know about it. So please stop lecturing everyone about Rocket this Rocket that...you would think he hands out prizes for best boot-licker or something.

Remember - He WANTS the input.

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