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Looking for players for our group.

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Hey guys we are currently looking for some players to play Dayz and any other mods/arma2 related games with . We mostly play dayz but have started to branch out to other arma "missions". Our Clan is WhoDaresGaming and we are currently 3 guys aged 18Ca, 18Us, 31Uk. We play at really anytime and are on most of the day. If you would like to join us please Send me a PM on here or reply to this topic with the following.

1.Age 16+ (but Any age if your mature)

2.How long have you played arma2/dayz

3.Why do you want to play with us.

It doesnt have to be fancy just those 3 things. BTW we have are own TeamSpeak3,website(not finished) and Facebook Group. If I like what you replied ill send you the TS3 info and we'll play. We are kind of looking for some long time players but drop by's are good to.

:beans: >PS< If your a Dick/Troll Please don't Reply or send Pm.

Thanks. :D

Edited by Timbitz

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2.1+ years

3.I enjoy playing with other people and i am looking for an active clan, it seems that every time i join a "clan" they become inactive in a few days/weeks and i endup running around by myself again.

I look forward to hearing from you, Thank-You.

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Hey if there's anyone else that would like to join us that would be great

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1. 14 nearly 15 but i am mature

2. A couple of days but i already know the basics and a couple more things.

3. I have so far enjoyed the game and been in one 2 people team which i REALLY enjoyed also i just generally like the idea of team, and our own clan base. I find all that stuff cool :)

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1. 12, a whole bunch of people consider me mature for my age.

2. A couple of months.

3. Why? Cause it's fun to work together and sometimes shoot your ally in the back just for the laughs - my ally also laughed. Anyhow, cause I'm looking for a good team.

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The teamspeak has been removed and will be back soon with more slots but for now just message me and ill send you our temp TeamSpeak3.

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