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U.G.N - Jedi Panda

UGNetworX.eu --- ☣☆★☆☣ ULTIMATE ORIGINS ☣☆★☆☣ **EVENTS** [Max Vehicles]-[Fresh Database]-[4hr Day/Night Cycle]-[512 slot Teamspeak] JOIN NOW !!!

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Official DayZ Origins #GX UGNetworX.eu

[Max Vehicles] [Fresh Database] (1.7.1/103419) [4h Day/Night]

50 slot


In Dayz Origin's you can do mining and crafting that allows survivors to team up and make a base on a plot of land to build up and defend an securely safe gaurd any gear you may pick up. Players can also repair and reinforce mad max style vehicles for land, sea, and air, including helicopters, scrap buddy's and rafts. Survivors will also have a persistent level (capping out at 24), and progression will make available different outfits depending on actions. Bandits will look different than altruistic players, which might help wanderers survive some what longer. It introduces Patent zero a super zombie that spawn's any where on the map an drop's rare loot like blueprint's for house's, GPS and toolbox's he is very hard to kill an can take you down in a few hit's so be careful!

Origin's run's on an modded version of Taviana with extra island's an a few extra weapon spawn's it also introduces SECTOR B aka Salvation City zombie free an controlled by NPC's were you can find weapon's, food, medical supply's an building material's for base building. WARNING they are not friendly an will shoot on sight, NPC chopper's patrol the mainland of Taviana so be weary when you hear chopper's flying close by.

We have a dedicated admin team who's mission is to make our Origins server one of the best, and most popular Origins server's out there!

We welcome all players on TeamSpeak @

Edited by -Panda
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