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In Flight Controls

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Ok I am trying to use a joystick, throttle, and rudder pedals setup to fly, and my helis always enter a hard left roll that i cant recover from. Any suggestions? Is there a way to calibrate in game?

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you should be able to configure your joystick in the aircraft controls tab, in the controls menu.

Click on the axis of control you'd like to change (say, roll left) and once you're in that control option, move your joystick left.

That will automatically be detected by Arma.

Now make sure your "roll right" control (or whatever it's called...something similar) is also configured like that.

If there's a conflict in any of your controls, ARMA will mark it in bright red.

I fly just fine with a joystick. It's much smoother than keyboard and the "hat" switch allows me to look around easily without taking my hands off the control.

Edited by taco241

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