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[DZwT] Machete Ghille Madness

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Timetabs in youtube! Hey! Presenting a long overdue DZwT (DayZwithTrizzo)...

After a Kemenka spawn i found my first machete! Soon after that i found a ghille suit...that got me in the mood for some ambush melee combat. While it never quite worked out the way i was hoping I certinally get full use out of both machete and ghille...developing a melee-reco-combat style on the fly (which I'm seriously considering taking up full time)

What can a machete, ghille and binos do against airborne squads, AS50's and road warriors? Is it possible to gear up all the way without firing a single bullet? I'll let you find out.

Cheers! Comment, rate, like or subscribe...

Edited by Trizzo
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Are the machete's still in the game?

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As of right now? Yes

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