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CANT SEE ANYTHINGE HALP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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When i join a server on day z i can see some stuff i don't start with a pistol it says Missing Cfgweapons and Cfgweapons. hatchet

And the land is just empty like there is ground but no houses or players pls HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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ok 1st I want to know this, did you update your dayZ to the latest version AND did you get the arma2 beta patch. (arma2 patch: http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php )

2nd don't worry about the cfgweapons , I get it on every server I join, but as soon as I click ok it is all fine, you might want to look for a solution, but i didn't have any problems.

3rd , the no hatchet is when you enter a wrong server or you have a wrong dayZ if you go to the wrong (older server or a server that has a newer dayZ installed you get these errors)

that is all i can give atm

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Sounds like you are spawning in debug, if you see other players there do not kill them. (it is a bannable offence.) Really the only advice I can give, good luck.

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Srry but none worked

ok 1st I want to know this' date=' did you update your dayZ to the latest version AND did you get the arma2 beta patch. (arma2 patch: http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php )

2nd don't worry about the cfgweapons , I get it on every server I join, but as soon as I click ok it is all fine, you might want to look for a solution, but i didn't have any problems.

3rd , the no hatchet is when you enter a wrong server or you have a wrong dayZ if you go to the wrong (older server or a server that has a newer dayZ installed you get these errors)

that is all i can give atm


Dident work:huh:

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