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Watchout!!! ]ST7[ Snake is a bandit

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The story is....

Firstly, I want to found a M40A3 for Digger4400, a guy called ]SY7[snake told he can trade m40 and looking for my M16A4 ACOG, so he force me go to cherno, then I went there. I ask him "where are u? I arrived." He said "go to fire station 3rd floor I drop M40 at there." I follow his instruction. Move fast to check the 3rd floor, when I saw the floor is emptry. I knew what will happen after a sec. .....2 AS50 shots fire near my body....I was still alive.

Actually, ]ST7[ Snake is working with a sniper, they are a team, I parked my white Offroad next to the firestation. when I arrived. But now I was contact with the enemy and I have no idea where the fires come from...I just know the direction...I ran into a red hut and stand by...

Suddenly, I heard my offroad's engine started. I ran out to the road follow the offroad and keep shooting short burst by using my Mk48...]ST7[ Snake was killed by me, but the sniper is still alive...When I ran back to ]ST7[ Snake to confirm his dead. The sniper shot 2 shot on the vehicle. Blow it up and he still keep shooting 6 rounds more.All misses. I use the destroyed vehicles to be the cover, get away ]ST7[ Snake's M240 and all his ammo.

Finally, Get the hell out of there.

Am I right?

The story happened on US1252 WOLF server.Just 30mins before

Actually, we generally shoot people if we have to...Don't try to do anything stupid

Edited by dennishung

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you reported this on the traders and traitors thread?

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Actually, It was not a trade anymore, It totally is a trap. A trap set up by a group of bandits

Edited by dennishung

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I really hate people that abuse the trust and kindness of other players. Even if they are bandits and at least they should have some dignity by going through with a deal.

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I really hate people that abuse the trust and kindness of other players. Even if they are bandits and at least they should have some dignity by going through with a deal.

Yes, I totally agree with you, if they want to kill me,then find me and kill me, don't try to use beautiful lies to pull me into a trap...Especially asking for Medical evacuation

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