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Hello I am 24 years old from the UK, I have been playing DayZ on and off for a while and mainly play solo but sometimes with some friends on hardcore private hive or breaking point servers but im willing to play other servers/mods. I am looking for a serious group of players to enjoy more hardcore squad based gameplay, the following is what im looking for;

UK based group


Tactical gameplay

Fun and a laugh

If you are looking for someone like me please leave some info about your group or PM me, I dont want to join random squads knowing nothing about them and finding out ingame how you play.

Hopefully I will find some good guys to play with.

Thanks for reading.

Edited by ZombieGeneral

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Looking for a Clan to play with or maybe just a DayZ Server to call home? Well we at WTF-Gaming are looking for more players to give us and our server a try, Bring your friends and make more, we will be happy to group up and help all new comers;

We have a custom DayZ server that we constantly update with new and improved addons to 'spice' up the DayZ gaming experiance so there is constantly a challenge and will leave you ever looking over your shoulder. With AI Bandits, Soldiers and Survivors roaming around you will do well to check your targets! We also have servers for plenty of other games, All players welcome, you just need to check us out!

For details on our DayZ server, please take your self here: http://www.howtokillzombies.co.uk

To take a look at WTF Gaming as a whole, Visit here: http://www.whiskey-tango-foxtrot.co.uk

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Please take a look at our post HERE as I believe we can offer you what you need. Any questions don't hesitate to contact me.


Edited by 9000MHZ

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Hey, if you could join my TS server and I can tell you about the clan

TS- ballbaggaming.teamspeak3.com

We are all mature gamers ranging from age 16-40

We follow military tactics.

I can tell you alot more, when ever you have some time please come on the TS for a chat.

Cheers -Callum- :)

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Legion of Honor is recruiting



See our recruitment post for details:

Legion of Honor is recruiting again!

We have a minimum age requirement of 16. Our members are friendly and respectful, as well as active. Legion of Honor always kicks ass.

Come hang with us on TS! IP is

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