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{NCK} Lady_Lamp

NCK Recruiting

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NCK's US 520 welcomes groups and clans, as well as solo players.

Survivors, Bandits and Heroes; all are welcome!

NCK wants you to call our server home! Build you camp, bring your friends. NCK has a range of members from heroes to bandits and we all enjoy and see the fun in the banditry, groupings, camp building etc! And we want you to be a part of it.

Host: North Country Killers {NCK}

Admins: Active, Reachable and Friendly

Hive: Public

Location: Chicago, IL

Sunset: 12:00pm EST (appx.)

Restarts: Every 6 hours (3:00 and 9:00 EST)

Max. Players: 50

Vehicles: Default Vehicle settings (Vanilla)

Special Events: Yes! See below!

Communication: Side Chat enabled, Teamspeak3 server available (info in welcome message in DayZ server)

Name: US 520 hosted by NCK - North Country Killers


Server Events: Server US 520 holds real money prize* events regularly. Whether it be a "Last Man Standing Hatchet Fight", "Race to Berezino" or a "Bounty Hunt". These challenges are open to everyone and some are closed to NCK members (to ensure fairness). Details about individual challenges and events will be posted as they come up.

*Real Money prize constitutes a pay pal money transfer in CAD funds. If winner is unable to accept winnings through paypal, another form of payment equal to the original prize value may be made, or the prize will go to the runner-up, however this will be determined on a per-event basis.

We are also actively seeking another clan to call our server home. Perhaps at times we will pull our forces together and perform a mega-raid through NWAF or Cherno, but I think mostly we can depend on one another to be rivals and keep the game challenging. You raid us, we raid you and so on and so forth. NCK has a teamspeak server and we would make a private, locked channel for you. If the clans aren't too large, there could be room for more than one.

Think about it, we claim the north, you claim the south and the rogue clan claims a small area in the west. Send your forces to raid us, make a truce and trade weapons or vehicles. It could play out many different ways and we're definitely looking to add something more to our server. We want you and yours to be a part of it too!

Also, take part in our special events as organizers or as contestants!

While server traffic is just starting to pick up, it is a great time to check us out. Get a head start on your camp building while the server has a low population.

NCK is also recruiting members for the clan itself. The clan is primarily made of bandits but there are a few heroes. Having members of all play-styles helps us interact with all players of the server. We are currently recruiting active gamers, preferably aged 25+ or with high gaming experience. For more information about the clan please visit http://northcountrykillers.shivtr.com or pm me.

edited to fix a few details.

Edited by {NCK} Lady_Lamp
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Sounds like fun, i might have to come check it out if there is room for heroes =)

EDIT: Also nice to see someone put detail in the thread about there server for a change, beans to you for making an effort. :beans:

Edited by TMW Se7eN

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Thank you! We started up our server and I really want to see it grow! One of your guys plays on it often, his name his Saucy! I have definitely needed his assistance a few times (unfortunately I'm cursed and people that help me usually end up dead at no fault of my own).

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Also nice to see someone put detail in the thread about there server for a change, beans to you for making an effort. :beans:

I second this, even if I don't intend on joining, beans for you.

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Thank you! We started up our server and I really want to see it grow! One of your guys plays on it often, his name his Saucy! I have definitely needed his assistance a few times (unfortunately I'm cursed and people that help me usually end up dead at no fault of my own).

Saucy plays ay? well ill have to see if hes up for teaming up and head over and see if we can do some good!

Hopefully i can avoid dieing when helping people tho =)

Edited by TMW Se7eN

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Hopefully i can avoid dieing when helping people tho =)

Not to worry, its only when people help me that they seem to die. I heard something about a Mountain Dew curse... it might be true.

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Not to worry, its only when people help me that they seem to die. I heard something about a Mountain Dew curse... it might be true.

Ah! that explains it, ill be staying away from you ingame then xD

Edited by TMW Se7eN

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friendly bump.

Just played on this server and hopped to there teamspeak, the people that own the server are awesome and friendly, the player base was nice and the server ran smoothly with a fair few players, i would recommend this server to anyone looking for a vanilla main hive server =).

Edited by TMW Se7eN

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