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Will my pc run it and is it worth getting now?

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Hi everyone im new to the forum and i am on the edge of buying Arma:combined opperations so i can play Day z but i was wandering if my pc can run it


Graphics card: I know it can run it

Processor: Intel® Core 2 Quad cpu q6600 @ 2.4GHz

RAM: 6gb

Thats all i really know about my specs

Also another thing is it worth getting now and will there be any problems installing Dayz to the steam version of combined operations

Also do alot of people still play it so im guaranteed a server to play in?

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There's a thread for your kind of question here

But I think that the problem is going to be your CPU. 2.4GHz isn't that much power, and DayZ is very heavily dependant on CPU processing power, as oppossed to GPU processing power.

You may want to specify your GPU also - "I Know It Can Run It" isn't a brand I've ever heard of, I'm afraid!

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It will run but as above your CPU will limit your frame rates. Would be nice to know exactly which graphics card you have if you want more detailed information.

No, you wouldn't have any issues with a Steam installation. Just use DayZ Commander, easy as 1-2-3...


And yes, you'll easily find a server to play on a fair amount of people still play and there will be a massive boom in the number of players when the 1.7.7 patch drops (any day now...).

If you have any more questions please use the Can I Run It? topic, which you can find here...


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