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upgrade (DayZ)

Unable to join servers due to deleted content

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I've been trying to fix this for days now and I've been using worrom's updater, but I'm getting no where fast.

This is what I receive when I join a server: attachment.php?aid=308

And it kicks me right away, it happens with every server, I've already launched arma 2, co, and oa to no avail. I tried entering -nosplash -world=empty -mod=@dayz into the launch options and it did not work, not running in beta doesnt get me anywhere either. If someone could please give some tips or advice id greatly appreciate it.

Along with this when I get to the main menu:


As well as a popup at launch that says Addon 'dayz_code' requires addon 'CABuildingParts'

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Launch as combined operations many tuts for this already use the search function.

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