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Mister Moss

New Player - Any Mature Group

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I am eighteen years of age and incredibly new to the gaming craze known as DayZ.

My Arma files will be done soon and I am looking for a group, guild, clan, team, what have you to join and become a part of throughout my journey in apocalypse.

I am willing to fill out applications or discuss requirements. I am confident that almost if not all of them will be met.

Reply here or message me on Skype (commiesmasher).


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HI We are a small organised clan looking for more survivors. We hope to help those that need it. We have 2 DayZ server (Custom DayZ Hive and Vanilla DayZ Hive) . We also have our own Teamspeak3 server : becks-privateers.com. so if your interested in joining BP. All you have to do is register on our website : http://becks-privateers.com/ and put an application or come on our ts server : becks-privateers.com and talk to Beck or Tantrum(癇癪).


Recruitment Post: http://dayzmod.com/f...-noob-friendly/

Server Post: http://dayzmod.com/f...custom-scripts/

Server Changelog Post: http://dayzmod.com/f...s-changelog-22/

Update Post: http://dayzmod.com/f...tes-are-coming/


b_560_95_1.png Custom DayZ Hive

[b_560_95_1.png] New Vanilla DayZ Hive

b_560_95_1.pngPublic Teamspeak Server

b_560_95_1.pngMinecraft Factions PvP Server

Edited by -TaNtruM--

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I'll take BP into serious consideration. I am looking more for a group that plays on very player-heavy servers. I want a lot of contact.

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I'll be glad to help you out if you want sometime? i have around 1 years experience so know my way around the game pretty well :)

PM me if you are interested :)

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Check out Balota Buddies.

Whitelisted Au/Uk/Us servers


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Hi There!

If you're looking for a clan that's not too serious and just looking to play then feel free to check us out at WTF Gaming;

Contact info:

We hope to hear from you soon

WTF Gaming

Edited by Wotsit

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