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Night time gameplay

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Night playing is the best, especially on servers with very variable weather. 24/7 day sucks big time. It's for wussies. Learn to pick up those flares and chems. Learn to use your flashlight correctly. And learn how to stake a path in the dark. And only full moon is also for wussies... :-p

Edited by CartridgeMaker
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Am I the only person that doesn't see any problems with nighttime as is?

Only people with NVGs can play? I play in dark dark nights often without them. Yes chemlights and flares can make you stand out, but I outlined earlier how they can be used more intelligently than just throwing them right where you intend to be. I saw they were going to make the night-time brighter in the next patch. Though this makes me sad I can accept this as a game-play improvement I suppose. I agree that as currently implemented the NVGs give better vision than they should, however this is separate from the darkness issue. I agree that the darkness turns off many players, which is why I can accept change for improvements sake. What I take issue with is the charge that the game is unplayable at night without NVGs. That is simply not true, it's just a lot harder. For those of us that enjoy the extra challenge, night time is amazingly wonderful. Sure flares and chemlights have gotten me killed numerous times, that's how I learned to use them more intelligently. One of my favorite early memories from this game was trying to use the stars to navigate. I failed at that BTW.

The dark dark darkness is not impossible, just really hard. It can be overcome by those determined to do so, without the aid of NVGs.

Edited by Fonebook
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I've had the best PVP in my life during a night in DayZ (with real weapons: M16, M4, Ak... not some random sniperfags') It was a 2v2, in a small town south from Stary, we were heading back to cherno to see if we could find a friend left behind, and we encountered a hatchback with 2 ghili guys. They were driving like nothing could harm them, so... I shot in the wheels, just so they know they should be more careful :D

Noone had NVG, we had to use Flares to distract and blur their vision, we had to use flashlight as a bait, we had to take care of the zombies, because we were like 50m from the road just near the town. There were also a lot of bushes and a little bosquet (sorry don't know the english word for that, some trees if I may say, like a mini-forest).

My buddy died in the gunfight, and I axed the heck out of the last man standing against us, I lost him in the forest, while I had no ammo left, droped my weapon behind a tree, took my axe, and sneaked behind him to finish him. I fell unconcious a little bit after due to heavy injuries taken from the gunfight, devoured by zombies.

It was awesome

I don't want to see the dark time removed as it is now, it gives so much thrill and strategy in gunfights, and town exploration. I actually am bored while it's daytime, I play only nightime because of that. Too easy in day.

I never had such a PVP in daytime, where you can see everyone clearly, and where the ghilie is absolutely useless, since it does not match with the actual green of the forest, and is barely camoufled. I don't know why people want the ghilie so much, it's too dark compared to the trees, you can see it as easily as the basic skin. Plus, it's a ridiculous outfit.

The ghilie takes all it's power in night, where everything is almost black and white, and where you cannot distinguish it easily. (I managed to sneak behind the ghily guy with a hero skin, so the ghillie is really useless)

Edited by Kehlian
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I've had the best PVP in my life during a night in DayZ (with real weapons: M16, M4, Ak... not some random sniperfags') It was a 2v2, in a small town south from Stary, we were heading back to cherno to see if we could find a friend left behind, and we encountered a hatchback with 2 ghili guys. They were driving like nothing could harm them, so... I shot in the wheels, just so they know they should be more careful :D

Noone had NVG, we had to use Flares to distract and blur their vision, we had to use flashlight as a bait, we had to take care of the zombies, because we were like 50m from the road just near the town. There were also a lot of bushes and a little bosquet (sorry don't know the english word for that, some trees if I may say, like a mini-forest).

My buddy died in the gunfight, and I axed the heck out of the last man standing against us, I lost him in the forest, while I had no ammo left, droped my weapon behind a tree, took my axe, and sneaked behind him to finish him. I fell unconcious a little bit after due to heavy injuries taken from the gunfight, devoured by zombies.

It was awesome

I don't want to see the dark time removed as it is now, it gives so much thrill and strategy in gunfights, and town exploration. I actually am bored while it's daytime, I play only nightime because of that. Too easy in day.

I never had such a PVP in daytime, where you can see everyone clearly, and where the ghilie is absolutely useless, since it does not match with the actual green of the forest, and is barely camoufled. I don't know why people want the ghilie so much, it's too dark compared to the trees, you can see it as easily as the basic skin. Plus, it's a ridiculous outfit.

The ghilie takes all it's power in night, where everything is almost black and white, and where you cannot distinguish it easily. (I managed to sneak behind the ghily guy with a hero skin, so the ghillie is really useless)

awesome story

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I've had the best PVP in my life during a night in DayZ (with real weapons: M16, M4, Ak... not some random sniperfags') It was a 2v2, in a small town south from Stary, we were heading back to cherno to see if we could find a friend left behind, and we encountered a hatchback with 2 ghili guys. They were driving like nothing could harm them, so... I shot in the wheels, just so they know they should be more careful :D

Noone had NVG, we had to use Flares to distract and blur their vision, we had to use flashlight as a bait, we had to take care of the zombies, because we were like 50m from the road just near the town. There were also a lot of bushes and a little bosquet (sorry don't know the english word for that, some trees if I may say, like a mini-forest).

My buddy died in the gunfight, and I axed the heck out of the last man standing against us, I lost him in the forest, while I had no ammo left, droped my weapon behind a tree, took my axe, and sneaked behind him to finish him. I fell unconcious a little bit after due to heavy injuries taken from the gunfight, devoured by zombies.

It was awesome

I don't want to see the dark time removed as it is now, it gives so much thrill and strategy in gunfights, and town exploration. I actually am bored while it's daytime, I play only nightime because of that. Too easy in day.

I never had such a PVP in daytime, where you can see everyone clearly, and where the ghilie is absolutely useless, since it does not match with the actual green of the forest, and is barely camoufled. I don't know why people want the ghilie so much, it's too dark compared to the trees, you can see it as easily as the basic skin. Plus, it's a ridiculous outfit.

The ghilie takes all it's power in night, where everything is almost black and white, and where you cannot distinguish it easily. (I managed to sneak behind the ghily guy with a hero skin, so the ghillie is really useless)



That's epically awesome!

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The main issues with night were:


  • The torch (flashlight) mechanics were awkward. You couldn't hold a flashlight and pistol in each hand for example. Also you couldn't hold it steady, as soon are you run the players arms just wildly fly around.
  • The availability of NVGs (made worse with duplication exploits in the early days).


If the Torch (flashlight) mechanics have been changed (and some alternatives given) I'm sure people would enjoy the experience much more. NVGs should be rare because they give a stupidly huge advantage at night, the other reason if too many people have them they will just use the advantage to dick over the rest who don't. The advantage is fine... as long as very few of them exist (do you really need more than 1-2 per server?). Military grade NVGs would not exactly be common in the context of this game anyway.


I think complaints about how dark it is are a bit silly frankly. It's dark at night, more so outside of a town/city... that's reality. Most people who did play night properly (not just change servers/play daylight only servers) know that it did get lighter after a while.


Night adventures offered some of the most tense and memorable experiences I've had in the game. Those tense moments when people desperately throws out flares, hiding in the shadows, exchanges of gunfire and bumping into zeds.

Edited by -lOldBoyl-

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NVG should be FPV only...but as for rarity in game care to mention the last time you found or saw gen 4 night vision goggles IRL?

Most things I find or do in DayZ, I never did so in real life.

Believe it or not, I never found flares nor chemlights, never met a Zed, never shot a man, never found a soda in a barn, never flew a helicopter myself, never ... you get the idea.

Though, I actually saw NVGs in real life pretty frequent. It's not uncommon that authorities have some. Sure, they don't wear them all day long.

Edited by Ken Bean

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I found my first AS 50 at night (rest it's soul, damn you devs) when some idiot aggro'd half the zombies in balota and then proceeded to glitch off the roof on the control tower, good memories. 


On a more related note, night time is the easiest time to loot for me, I have to admit that I do use the gamma solution though.

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Nvg range is pretty retarted. people should stop complaning and ditch those 24/7 day time servers. it kills the imersion. I remember the first time i played dayz at night time. i was literaly shittinf bricks all over my computer. and yea if.your in the country and someone turns.on a flashlight you will be able to see it for a very long time.

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I think the issue with nighttime play is that too many people are too scared to play a ~horror~ survival game in the dark. The game gives us the tools to run around at night and gives us an advantage over the zombies at night. Blue Chemlights, flares, gun with a flashlight are about all you need to run around at night. 

Blue Chemlight - the light doesn't reach far and while people within spitting distance see you as a big glowing blue figure people beyond that might possibly see a speck of light, if they are really watching for it. It lights up the immediate area enough for you to loot and not fall down or get stuck on something. Zombies and other things will suddenly be illuminated and so you might end up in a few close situations,  but in my opinion that is pretty awesome. 


Flares - Lights up a huge area. You would never throw one where you are actually going to go since zombies will wander towards them. A flare and a smoke grenade together lead to a zombie agro trap where they wander into that area. Even so it will light up enough of your surroundings that as long as you don't look towards it but away you can spot things fairly well. It will also mess with NVGs and if you are in the shadows they will have trouble spotting you with the bright light right nearby.

Flashlight - You only use this to check you next section. Scoot along, flash it on and off so you can appraise the next area you want to move into, then move. Obviously a military one is better fo not giving away your position, but quick flashes are hard for people to notice. If you do end up with someone that has NVGs pointing a weapon at you, you shine that thing right in their face and blind them. I'll carry a gun with a flashlight on it when I have NVGs just for that purpose alone. He can only fire at the light while I can aim more carefully.

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Playing at night is the best time to hunt players.


I hate all these full-moon servers though. If I wanted to just see everything I'd just jack up my gamma.

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Problem: you enkindle a light source, you become a target.

Solution: find night vision goggles.

Problem: It's too dark without turning on a light, which makes you a target.

Cheap Solution: Turn up brightness and Gamma (I don't endorse this one)

Problem: Night vision goggles are too hard to find.

Solution: You have not played long enough; keep searching, have faith.

Problem: You are trying to ride your old bicycle to Gorka from your camp on the coast. It's pitch black and raining like biblical times ten. You keep bumping your head into trees.

Solution: You don't need one.

Why?: If you've got the backbone to attempt that, you never needed a light source in the first place.

The bicycle is one of the best vehicles in the game. Why? No fuel. Protects against rain and zeds.

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