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Change loot quality after server population

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Server hopping around a bunch of servers at 4/50 players or just generally being a coward at these low populated servers is pretty gay...

But it does work if you want some decent gear (I just makarOWN everyone instead)

What im suggesting is that low-populated servers gets a hit to the quality of the spawned loot, so you have to be on a 30+ player server to get good loot, and ~50 player server to get the best loot

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I think it would be better to affect only special loot nods, like military. Eg if server has <50% population - military nods dont spawn loot, but regular (food and rifles) do spawn in villages and towns

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So when I'm playing on my server at 5am and there's 8 other people online I should be forced to go to a server without my tents or vehicles just so I get something besides tin cans? That's a stupid idea.

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So when I'm playing on my server at 5am and there's 8 other people online I should be forced to go to a server without my tents or vehicles just so I get something besides tin cans? That's a stupid idea.

Yep basicly!

You would have to compete for the loot with other players.

After you competed with said players you can server hop back to your

"Home"-server and stash your gear...

And spawned fixable vehicles should absolutely go under the same rule!

It seems you are scared of players in a multi-player game

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No, I just can't play at peak hours due to my job and I don't enjoy playing with 300 ping on euro servers.

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I didn't know there was only servers up at 5am with only 8 people. I was on last week from 2-5 PST and the server was near full if not full the whole time.

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