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Insane graphical glitches

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I've found over the past few days that my DayZ looks like no one elses' DayZ. When I try to take a screenshot it doesn't take for some reason so I'll do my best to describe.

First, my system:

Intel Core i7 2700k @ 4.6Ghz

8gb DDR3 RAM

Intel 520 series 180GB SSD

XFX Radeon HD 7970 3GB with Accelero Xtreme cooler

WDBlack Sata3 1TB storage drive

My system has no issues with any games I throw at it as of yet, and really no issue with DayZ except from the strange look of it.

So, the whole game is flicker-y to begin with. If I look at the sun it is like to give me a seizure. Flashlights not only flicker but right at the glass of the flashlight there is a big white square that rests on the end.

The water is usually pitch black, in the daytime. The ground looks like it has had needles pushed through all of it, as do the trees and buildings. The trees and buildings only look like this sometimes though, usually they are just giant brown rectangles in the distance and only materialize into a big blurry mess when I get close.

All textures, when they do load, are extremely, -extremely-, low resolution and I usually can't tell the difference between a door and a wall aside from the HUD indicator.

Even with all this said, the game is amazing and I will keep playing it, but it looks absolutely ridiculous and has the downside (I suppose) of causing me to see at night really well. I don't usually even need a flashlight for some reason since things are flickering all crazy.

What I've tried so far is a complete reinstall of the game and a rollback/reinstall of drivers.

Any ideas?

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2 Things man.

1. Be CAREFUL with that cooler I had them on my 6870s and was going to get one for my 7970 but lots of people in reviews have had their card smoked by these coolers. Nearly smoked a 6870 but I saw the shims were to tall before I installed it. Had to cut them in half.

2. What OC settings are you using or are you? Had to turn my card down for dayz to get the LOD textures to change properly and what you have posted sounds like what I saw on mine.

Best of luck,


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I don't actually have the card overclocked at all.

And yeah, I bought the card with this cooler on it and it has been fine for a few months but it is nervewracking just looking at the thing on my $500 card lol

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Get furmark, google it, The purpose of the program is to heat the card beyond what a game will do so you can test stability at extreme temps. Run it maxed out with extreme burn in but watch it the whole time make sure temps dont go above 80c try both dynamic camera and background settings. Watch for artifacts if you see any below 70c something is either wrong with your PSU or the card itself most likely.


If you follow this advice you do so at your own risk, furmark CAN AND WILL COOK your gpu because it is designed to do so.

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7970 has issues with DayZ, I run the same card with an i7 and have had some issues eg white grass/shrubbery had to turn of anti aliasing to fix, and still get occasional issues that you describe as 'needles pushed through all of it' eg trees with specks of white sometimes (eg when running).

With latest update I have also been getting strange graphical glitches when turning.

I don't overclock and GPU is not overheating.

I have no idea how to fix, other games run fine

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I've discovered that I can't choose anything in the graphics options above 'normal' textures for some reason.

Have no idea what could possibly be going wrong.

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