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Computer totaly freezes after some time in ArmA

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Hey guys! I recently bought ArmA 2 for just this mod and i'm having problems. after i join a game or start a singleplayer game it holds on for sometime and the it just freezes. I can hear the sounds but it doesn't respond to any commands, not even CTRL+ALT+DEL or ALT+TAB. So i end up restarting my computer. This is annoying as hell, how can i fix this?

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Yeah We cant really give an 100% sure answer without your specs but its probally a problem with the hardware. Arma is very heavy on your cpu and gpu and I am guessing that Arma is taking too much proccesor usage wich may result in vital programs not working propperly and locking your pc up.

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yeah i kinda forgot about it sry:

My graphics card is NVidia GeForce 9600GT and my proccessor is AMD Athlon (64) X2 Dual Core Proccessor 6000+ (just wrote all i had in the menu).2Gb of RAM

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Maybe no good to you, but an old ATI video cache flushing method is to

press: "shift - flush"

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Try updating all your drivers for motherboard chipset, direct x & graphics card drivers.

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