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The name of the player: [-MQM-]Jordan

Time: About 1:00 am !!! German Time !!!

Server UK410

I think he jused a admin map or something becouse he knowed were iam and who iam from 500 Meters away and trees were betwen us so that he couldnt know were iam but the best thing was that on the server is no NameTag also he jused anything to find me...


I hope my gramma doesnt suck so mutch.

If you have any questions or if i did anything wrong contact me.

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Terror, thanks for the heads up!

Sodi, we can check the logs against the time you have given, could you clear some points up for me please?

- and who iam - what do you mean here, did he call you out by name?

- 500m - Daytime night time? 1am in game time or your actual time?

Its always possible he did see you, but the point in your post could be missing something, did he kill you?

If he did there is a possibility it was shown in game - X was killed by Y and then he knew your name?

Anyhow, leave it with us, we will report back asap.

Thanks for posting up.


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