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Zombies or Infected, not both

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So as it is now with, the infected agro from a million miles away and come in swarms.

Basically, i'd like to put another option (since, as shown in the update, the game can handle massive amounts of innfected). Why not change the infected to zombies, you know traditional slow walking ones? Because I always thought the fucking infected run way too fucking fast with no chance of escape anyway. so An Idea.

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I'd prefer zombies to be truthful, but if they are going to slow down, you must make them able to kill in one or two hits.

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So, mechanics wise, zombies are not all that threatening unless they are in huge packs.

Huge packs = more CPU and more CPU equals slow game.

Also, without the threat of infected, the death matching complaints come back in full and we have to invent a new solution for that.

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the trouble with "undead" zombies is they're are simply too easy to defeat or run away from. THey're basically (barely) moving target practice.

To make the game work they have to be runners.

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