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Sovereignty of Britannia [SB] (DayZRP Clan)

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Geetings all, we are the Sovereignty of Britannia.

*This is a DayZRP clan! if you are not already a memeber of the DayZRP Community please do not reply to this thread!

We are a primarily British, Enclave-Style Militia. Our aim is to rid Chernarus from infection and restore it back to the beautiful land it once was.

It all started when the infection first broke out in Chernarus, the governments of the world kept it quiet in fear of global panic. As the days grew on the worlds governments grew more and more concerned about the state of Chernarus, the infection was spreading to the surrounding countries. With news of the government breakdown in Chernarus the British government began assembling a special task force of operatives to infiltrate Chernarus, re-establish it's government, destroy the infected and to re-establish order in the region.

Shortly after arrival we lost contact with the UK. We assumed that the infection had consumed it just like it has ravaged the rest of the world. There was barely any good men left. The only thing remaining were rag-tag groups of survivors, struggling to survive and groups of barbaric bandits no better than the infected. We took it as our supreme duty to fulfil the mission given to us. It is our role to once again establish order back to these hellish lands. Under our ever watchful eye, Chernarus will once again be safe.


My name is, Somhairle MacDhomnaill. I am originally from the highlands of Scotland where I trained special forces before the outbreak. I have been the supreme commander of our forces ever since we landed in Chernarus.

Our goals are to establish a foothold in the wasteland, we will take over several parts of the map and open up camps for the purpose of trading and sanctuary. If anyone gets in the way, we will show them no mercy.

We believe that with firm social structure and integrity, we will soon restore order to these war-torn lands. That is why we structure our forces into ranks and regiments. (As we are a new clan a lot of ranks have yet to be assigned but we hope to grow ever expanding as the days go on). n/a = not yet assigned.

Supreme Commander

Somhairle MacDhomnaill

The Inquisition

(The Elite Forces of the Sovereignty of Britannia)

High Inquisitor

High Inquisitor Langston Gordon

Members of the Inquisition


Lion Heart Infantry

(The pride of the Sovereignty of Britannia, no job is too hard for the lion heart infantry)

Lion Heart Commander


Lion Heart Corps


We plan on expanding our ranks even further with new sub-divisions once we expand and grow but for now this is the structure of our forces. All new members will be assigned to the Lion Heart Corps.


We have a zero tolerance policy on banditry and disrespect. All survivors must treat the Sovereignty of Britannia with the respect we deserve otherwise they shall feel our full wrath. Anyone who gets in the way of our supreme duty or if we feel you are a threat to our members or our integrity you will be dealt with severely and without mercy.

We do not appreciate most other clans. However, if you want to ally with us and have something to offer such as military skills or equipment for our cause, then you are more than welcome. Our main goal is to keep Chernarus safe and civil for everyone whilst at the same time eradicating bandits and the infected. The reason we do not appreciate most other clans is that we feel they have failed to make a difference to Chernarus.


We require you to have a full understanding of the mighty English language. All applicants must be 17 or over. We require you to be an experienced player and to be able to handle yourself in the watelands.

We will be purchasing a teamspeak server very soon so I will make sure to update this thread when we do.

To apply please post on this thread answering the following questions and I will either reply on the thread or through pm's.


How long have you been playing?:

Why do you want to join?:

Where are you from?:

So if you think you have what it takes, can act British and want to make a change in the Wasteland. Then we want YOU to Join the Sovereignty of Britannia!

*By joining this clan you must be able to follow the rules of the DayZRP server. If we find out you have been breaking the rules by doing things such as metagaming and trolling we will either give you a warning or ban you from the clan. We are in no way responsible if you choose to break the rules and you will also be dealt with by the server admins accordingly.

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i'd love to give this mod a go it would be very different from my usual experience. Sadly i am a dirty bandit, best of luck anyway

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All hail bretania...bich

All hail britannia... bitch*

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Bump. :P Also beat, it's not as fun being a bandit on DayZRP than it is on normal DayZ.

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i am aware thats why i've not made an application also i had to write a 1000 character back story


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