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We have just formed a new clan call Rescue Specialist.

We need the best scanvegers, the best shooters, the best pilots,

but don't worry if your not the best. We will get the best out of the player within you!

We currently have a few memebers but we need more!

We need experienced players.




Must have mic

GMT+ Timezone

Heros and bandits are both welcome, we don't take risks

We are getting our own dayz server soon

If you're interested please join our teamspeak server and you will go through some test&questions

When you are at our teamspeak, please poke one of our admins and say you need access to the dayz channel or just poke me




Fill in this information and send it to us through teamspeak or leave a comment!



How long have you been playing dayz?:



How Active:

Anything else we need to know:

If urgent, please contact me on skype!


Edited by multipack123

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Name: AlphaN (Joey IRL)

Age: 16

How long have you been playing dayz?: 1 and a half year I think

Timezone: GMT +1

Bandit/Hero?: I love to kill people but I won't kill someone who just spawned without a reason.

How Active: 4 hours a day at least, got my summer holiday atm.

Anything else we need to know: I have no idea. ;)

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Pop on the teamspeak sir, looking forward to play with you in game!


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Name: endgame(john

Age: 15

How long have you been playing dayz?: about 5 months

Timezone: GMT -5

Bandit/Hero?: hero i like helping ppl but i will do anything to survive if u know what i mean ;)

How Active: 2-3 hours a day more on weekends

Anything else we need to know: i'm an amazing sniper/scavenger

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jump on the teamspeak sir, looking forward to play with you in game!


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How long have you been playing dayz?: Off and on last 10 months..rdy to be more active with a group

Timezone:GMT -8

Bandit/Hero?:In between..just want to survive

How Active:3-4 hrs a day

Anything else we need to know: ;)

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Looking for a DayZ Server? Well we at WTF-Gaming are looking for more players to give ours a try, maybe you could call it home;

We have a custom DayZ server that we constantly update with new and improved addons to 'spice' up the DayZ gaming experiance so there is constantly a challenge and will leave you ever looking over your shoulder. With AI Bandits, Soldiers and Survivors roaming around you will do well to check your targets! We also have servers for plenty of other games, All players welcome, you just need to check us out!

For details on our DayZ server, please take your self here: http://www.howtokillzombies.co.uk

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