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Arma 2 free+OA=Dayz?

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Hello players. So I finally decided to buy arma 2 for Dayz and I noticed that Arma 2 free and OA is enough, so even better, it cost me less than full arma 2 collection. So I found a couple of people statint that they're playing dayz with Arma 2 free like normal, but I have some issues. For example, whenever I get into a server from Play WithSIX launcher, my arma 2 is missing some files, for example dayz_anim or there is no entry to some grass objects. Can anyone make a short, understandable guide about colliding Arma 2 free and OA into fully working Dayz?

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Make sure that PW6 has the correct directory for your A2Free installation.

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use dayz commander instead that one updates everything including arma btw I do recommend getting arma 2 full price and not free because the arma 2 free will make dayz look worse due to the limited textures of the lite version just my opinion.

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No, they can have their own directories, you just need to tell PW6 where it is.

Also yeah I would recommend DZC over PW6 for DayZ, but go with PW6 for any other mod.

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Yeah, reinstalling everything and will use DZC. Should I update both A2free and OA before using DZC or will it update them itself?

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I believe it should give you the choice to update them for you.

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I still have difficulities installing it, some contect or something missing.

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Please, someone drop me a guide or something, I keep getting errors and if I don't get error, it kicks me from the servers.

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