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Mature UK Gamer - Need partner!

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Hi guys,

I am looking for another UK gamer who wants to team up and play some DayZ, with future intentions of trying out for the survivor games! We would practice only on weekends, but can also meet up during the week. I have played DayZ since July last year, and have minimal experience playing as a group. But playing with a buddy has always been my ideal gaming style.

If you are interested, please let me know with a reply below or a PM. Must be over 18 with skype and a working mic, and be able to practice atleast 10 hours per week (not set times, for example agree 2 hours one night, then 4 hours saturday then 4 hours sunday). I am not a hardcore gamer, so although I want to use solid tactics and approach situations in a mature way, I am really easy going and always up for a laugh!

Also, minimum of 4 months DayZ experience is required, but ideally 6 months or more.


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I would be up for it but the practise everyday thing might be an issue due to medical engagements and things such as college but I can usually play about 2 hours a day and weekdays and 4 and up on weekends. I am 19 but my voice makes me sound slightly younger but this is due to mother nature not been very kind I have played day since last august I have a mic and my Skype is josh.fitzpatrick17 and I am from the UK

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Hi Josh,

Are you available this afternoon around 3pm GMT onwards? There will be 3 of us! I am only looking to have one partner, but we can have an afternoon gaming and see how we get on, as I havent gamed with the other person yet either.


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Are you still looking for someone? I live in the UK and can be on at 3PM. I would also like to take part in the survivor gameZ.

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Can people inbox me if your interested please. Will have a chat with everyone this afternoon on skype to see who I think I would work with best.


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you should join my teamspeak there are a bunch of active good DayZ gamers on it :)

your might find a few good mates to play with

adress: password: 12345

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